

  • ラニーユちゃん、可愛いですねぇ




  • Thanks for the new chapter!
    Such a loyal dog, die while looking for her master, is really tragic. (T-T) It feels sad but at the same time i'm glad she is still alive in some form.
    That being said, if Lanille doesn't being bound to the dark forrest and wandering everywhere freely, she could be a great spy who could collect any info she wants without anyobe noticing. (☆v☆)


    Thanks for always enjoying my novel!

    Lanille is a poor ghost, so I'm sure she'll never be a spy, but she's probably the one who regrets it the most.
    The hero and the loyal dog, with their different statuses, could not meet again except in this way. This is one form of happiness for these girls.

    Enjoy the next chapter!!