
第28話 An American breakfast」への応援コメント

  • Waouh...it's enormous...
    Brunch is now quite popular in Paris.
    They have " American pancakes " and I think they are "well copied " but I can't compare to the original ones. It must be different. And there is no potato in the menus. I think the French consider potatoes like side dishes for lunch or dinner and they don't want to eat them at 10 in the morning.
    I'd like to have a "real " American breakfast one day but I'm not sure if I can finish it up...


    When I visit France in 2013, I ate American breakfast in the Hotel. Their pancakes are very small and thin. It looks more like 'crapes'.

    I don't eat the pancakes but my daughter said " It's not a pancake but I like it."

    My kids grew up in Europe and they used to eat the European bread. They don't like fluffy American ones. I'm making the bread almost every week for them.

    American loves breakfast. There are lot of breakfast restaurant which serves only breakfast all day long. They eat breakfast whenever they want to eat!

    We miss Europe a lot!

    If you have any chance to come to the States, let me know! I will take you to the breakfast restaurant. Ha-ha!

  • Is this the breakfast...? Very volumey...
    My breakfast is serial, soi-milk, tomato and orange.
    An American breakfast is marvelous!!


    Mr. Shimohigashi!

    Really? You are so healthy! We ate them all.