Today I read Haruki Murakami's first novel "Hear The Wind Sings" again. I was a high school student when I read this novel for the first time. So it was about 30 years ago. Since then, I have often read Haruki Murakami's novels besides this again and again. Why am I attracted by his novels so much? TBH I can't see the reason why. And I also think that it might be a clue to living a good life without making any words for this kind of emotion of 'love'. Anyway, I am a fan of Haruki and am not ashamed.

I can feel a certain shyness or confusion about telling stories with intentional realism or making lies in his narrative. This might be famous but he starts his novel "Hear The Wind Sings" by telling us a kind of tiny logic of characteristic culture. In that logic, he tells us the theme "Civilization is communication" or the impossibility of writing something. We can see that both of them are also telling about what is the base of our communication as we do like this. In other ways, he doesn't tell us the story from the first, but he asks us "what is a novel?" or "what is our language?".

I am also attracted to the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein at the same time, and Wittgenstein is the person who asked the question "basically, what is our language?" very strictly. This might sound crazy. The writers must be a kind of experts in using language. But such people even ask or think "what is language". Does Ichiro ask the questions "what is baseball?" or "what is sports"? Thinking this, I think their questions are briefly funny. To write something is just an instinctive act therefore we can say that it must be the action we 'just' do.

But I, I always think that "basically, what is language?". Why do I write something like this? Why do I read other people's writing? Returning to this point, I want to support the writers who suggest these kinds of ridiculous questions. I want to support the young or childlike essence that let them go back to ask those kinds of questions, and I also want to write 'my' tiny logic as the person who has been influenced by their tiny logic. This is one of the reasons I write this "undercooled".

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