I'm thinking... Sophia is bad because Gil created her like that. So the root of all evil is literally him. He's the most hypocrit character: he knows he alter the events but he didn't take measures to limit or prevent the enemy's actions. Anyway Gilbert is a good guy (I still prefer Hugo Grenville... by the way, congratulations for the book, I hope it gets translated too so I'll buy it!)
Sambon-sama is also very good in world building: Diana and Hecate, to Greek and Roman mythology, are said to be two aspects of the same goddess (representing each the two sides of the moon, light and dark).
Sophia Redemption Arc!!!
I'm thinking... Sophia is bad because Gil created her like that. So the root of all evil is literally him. He's the most hypocrit character: he knows he alter the events but he didn't take measures to limit or prevent the enemy's actions. Anyway Gilbert is a good guy (I still prefer Hugo Grenville... by the way, congratulations for the book, I hope it gets translated too so I'll buy it!)
Sambon-sama is also very good in world building: Diana and Hecate, to Greek and Roman mythology, are said to be two aspects of the same goddess (representing each the two sides of the moon, light and dark).
Good luck!
私は考えています...ギルがそのように彼女を作成したので、ソフィアは悪いです。 したがって、すべての悪の根源は文字通り彼です。 彼は最も偽善的なキャラクターです。彼はイベントを変更することを知っていますが、敵の行動を制限または防止するための措置を講じていませんでした。 とにかくギルバートはいい人です(私はまだヒューゴ・グレンビルが好きです...ちなみに、この本はおめでとうございます、私もそれが翻訳されることを願っていますので、それを購入します!)