

  • Yosho was happy he got the usual chocolate at school from Ayane, Mana gave him chocolate when he first came to her house after school, than after having fun with Mana and Masumi, Mana feel asleep, and he was heading home, Masumi stopped him, and asked him to wait, she brought a box from the kitchen, and gave him, when he asked if he could open it, she asked to wait till he got home as she was to embarrassed to watch him open it, when he got home and opened the surprise gift, it was truffles in chocolate, it awed him that she would do that, he decided that he had to get something special for them come white day,Yosho believed that the chocolate from Masumi was obligation chocolate because of helping with Mana, he's missing the whole point that Masumi was trying to get across to him, by helping him with dinners, housekeeping, and the chocolates, that was that she was liking him, and hinting that she wanted him to ask her out on a date, although she didn't understand how it happened, he was so different from other boys around her, honest, open, caring about others, respected her space, didn't make feel like she was on display, and especially he didn't act like a monkey in heat around her, his help was offered freely, with no strings, and before she knew it, she had fallen for him, it was also good that he was able to take teasing well with an open mind, and the way he interacted with Mana, she was also taken with him, as a friend, an older brother, a playmate, and even as part of the family. Sorry for the long sentence, I started to say something simple, and moy thoughts ran away, THAnKs for the story. 💞💞💞💯🥠🥠🥠🎂🍨🧁💐💐🌸🌸🌼🌼🌼🌼🌻🌻🌻🌻🎈🎆✨🎉🎊🎑🎎🎁(⊙_(⊙_⊙)_⊙)(❤´艸`❤)(✿◕‿◕✿)

  • 何でも喜んでくれそうだけどなー

  • 何らかのわかりやすいloveなトラップが仕込んであるのかと思ったヨ。。。