

  • こういう決め付け友人キャラよく出てくるけど、本質的に会話ができないってのは鬱陶しいにも程がある気がするんだ!それと目の前で惚気けやがって!www

  • Yosho and Kurokawa were caught by Ayane and Daichi. Ayane and Daichi can see what Kurokawa and Yosho can't see, that Kurokawa and Yosho are in a relationship even if they don't realise it themselves, no matter how much they deny it, the relationship might have started because of Mana, but now it's much more than that, although Mana is still very much involved.
    Did the Author rewrite this story, or have it on another site, it seems to be really familiar, I've read something close to this story before, I know lots of stories of the same ideal, but all of them, except the one I can't put my finger on are different in a lot of ways, maybe it was one that was unfinished and removed, because I don't remember the finish of the light novel, thanks for the work.