第2話 一人娘からの手紙(A Letter From Their Only Daughter)

 Mr. and Mrs. Brightside received a letter from their only daughter, who had left for a college hundreds of miles away several months before. The letter said ...

 “Dear Mom and Dad:

 I feel as if it were years since I left. I’m very sorry I’ve been lazy in writing. I’ll bring you up to date now.

 I’m getting along pretty well. The head injury I got from jumping out of the window of my dormitory, when it caught fire, has healed well. I spent two weeks in hospital and now I have only three headaches a day.

 Fortunately, the fire and my jump were witnessed by a passer-by, and he called the Fire Department. He also visited me at the hospital, and since I had nowhere to live, he was kind enough to let me share his apartment. We have fallen in love and are getting married soon.

 He is ambitious and cheerful although more than thirty years older than I am. He’s without a full time job at present, but I’m sure he’ll come by a nice job one of these days. He’s really hardworking. Isn’t it amazing that he’s even had the experience of going into bankruptcy three times in life, and each time managed to overcome the difficulty in one way or another?

 Besides, we’re expecting a baby next year. I know how much you are looking forward to being grandparents, and you’ll give the baby the same love and devotion you gave me in my childhood.

 I guess that's it. Now that I’ve brought you up to date, I want you to know ...

 There was no dormitory fire. I suffered no injury. I was not in hospital. I’m not engaged or pregnant. There’s no jobless man in my life. However, I got bad marks ― a ‘D’ in history and an ‘F’ in science. I want you to see these marks in their proper perspective.”

 The parents remained silent. After a while, Mr. Brightside finally smiled and said to his wife, “Really clever. Now, the bad marks look like nothing. She is safe and sound after all. We’ve got to look on the bright side of things.”

 ブライトサイド夫妻のところに一人娘からの手紙が届いた。彼女はその数ヶ月前に何百マイルも離れた所にある大学に入学していたのだった。手紙にはこのようにあった …







 これで全部かな。さあ、今までのことは話したから、お父さんとお母さんに分かって欲しいのは …

 寄宿舎の火事なんてなかったの。怪我も入院もしてないわ。婚約も妊娠もないし、私の人生に無職の男性なんていない。でもね、歴史で ‘D’、科学で ‘F’ っていう成績を取っちゃったの。お父さんとお母さんには、この成績をきちんとした観点で見て欲しい」





* feel as if + 仮定法「(実際にはそうではないが)まるで~のように感じる」

* it is … since ~「~以来…になる」(本文では仮定法のit were … の形で用いられている)

* bring ~ up to date「~を今日の状況にする~に今日までのことを全部話す・最新の状況を提供する」

* get along「暮らしていく」

* pretty「かなり」

* The head injury I got from jumping out of the window of my dormitory, when it caught fire「学生寮が火事になった際に,窓から飛び降りたために負った頭の怪我」

 The head injury と I の間に目的格の関係代名詞 which が省略されている。

 got from ~ のfromは「理由」を表す。

 また,dormitoryは「学生寮」,catch fire は「火がつく,火事になる」の意。

* heal「癒える」

* witness ~「~を目撃する」

* the Fire Department「消防局」

* kind enough to let me share his apartment「親切にも彼のアパートに一緒に住ませてくれた」

* fall in love「恋に落ちる」

* are getting married soon「すぐに結婚する予定である」

 この “be + ~ing” は「近未来」を表す。

* cheerful「元気がよい,快活な」

* although more than thirty years older than I am「(彼は)私より30歳以上年上だが」

 althoughとmoreの間にはhe isが省略されている。

* without a full time job「常勤の仕事にはついていない」

* at present「今現在は」

* come by ~「(金・仕事などを)得る」

* one of these days「近日中に」

* go into bankruptcy「破産する」

* manage to do「(苦労して)何とかdoする」

* overcome ~「~に打ち勝つ,~を乗り越える」

* in one way or another「何らかの方法で」

* be expecting a baby「子供が生まれる予定である」

* be looking forward to being parents「祖父母になるのを心待ちにしている孫を欲しがっている」

* devotion「献身」

* Now that SV「今やSVなので」


* pregnant「妊娠中の」

* jobless「仕事を持たない」

* a “D” in history and “F” in scienceの “D” と “F” はいずれも学業成績の評価であり,Dは合格成績の最低点,FはFailureの略で,「不可,落第」の意。

* I want you to see these marks in their proper perspective「これらの成績を適切な観点から見て欲しい」


* safe and sound「平穏無事で」

* look on the bright side of things「物事の明るい・良い面を見る」

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