The Original English Stories
第1話 ジーン・ジニーの物語(The Story of Jean Jeanie)
This is a story of a poor little boy called Jean Jeanie.
He was born and raised in a small village where very few people enjoyed what we call modern conveniences. Vehicles were rarely seen running on the street, and the telephone lines were hardly busy. People thought so small and used small words there.
When he was still a young boy, his father was killed in an accident, and his mother ran away with her boyfriend. He spent most of his childhood and teenage years making his own living as a shepherd at a small ranch near the edge of the village, but never lost his dream of becoming rich and famous some day.
He kept encouraging himself, “Not me. I’m much smarter than those chickens. I hate small words.”
His neighbors often laughed at him, calling him a big mouth. “Why don’t you be more realistic? Your stupid dreams will get you nowhere,” they used to say. But he didn’t care.
On the morning of his seventeenth birthday, he finally made up his mind to leave his native place. His destination? Of course, it was Manhattan.
“Why does it have to be New York City?” asked his friends.
“That’s because all those who succeed in life go there,” he answered brightly.
“What are you going to do in Manhattan?”
“I’ll make big money some way, and own a huge ranch with millions of sheep at the very center of the city.”
“What are you talking about? There’s no place for a ranch or sheep in big cities!”
But he was too busy packing all his belongings to listen to the friends any longer.
Taking a long bus ride to the city, with absolutely no knowledge of skyscrapers, noises, crowds, pickpockets, gangsters, or ladies who smile like reptiles, he was truly pleased with his brave decision.
“I’m finally on my way to that big, big city. I’m making it.”
Then, he started to stretch his mouth to let even bigger words come right out.
Poor little Jean Jeanie.
隣人たちはそんな彼を笑い、ホラ吹きと呼ぶ。「どうしてもっと現実的にならねえだ? お前、そんな馬鹿げた幻想を追ったって、どうにもならないぞ」と、よく言われたけれど気にしない。
17歳の朝、とうとう生まれ故郷を出る決心をした。行き先はって? それはもちろんマンハッタン。
「おめえ何言ってるだ? 牧場とか牛とか、おっきな街にはそったら場所ねえだぞ!」
* use small words 「つつましやかに話す」
* make one’s living 「生計をたてる」
* get one nowhere 「(誰々にとって)意味がない・何にもならない」
* all those who would succeed 「成功を望む・成功しようと思う者は皆」
* brightly 「快活に・元気良く」
* ranch 「牧場」
* belonging 「荷物」
* taking a long bus ride 「長距離バスに乗って」
* with absolutely no knowledge of ~ 「~のことは全く知らずに」
* skyscraper 「摩天楼」
* pickpocket 「スリ」
* gangster 「ギャング、ならずもの」
* reptile 「爬虫類」
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