Kick and Dash!


第1話 - Rise of The Women's Soccer

Soccer is not a popular sport for girls. At least not in Indonesia. No professional league, no achievements, and most players are mostly students or part-time players. To be an athlete is not very profitable and rewarding. Of course, that doesn't mean no girls are simply fans of soccer. They play for fun, watch the game for fun, and support their favorite teams. Overseas or locals, it doesn't matter.

The most recent appearance of the national team was in the Asian Cup, and the results were not good. It was like a rude awakening to the team that there were different levels between them and Asian teams. Their players played regularly, at high levels of professional soccer all across the globe. Indonesia? Not even the men's team is that successful. But the point is, that was a reality check for Indonesia.

In response to finally bringing them to the constantly growing soccer in the women's category, the plan to reactivate the women's league locally was brought back. The first ones to be approached were the famous men's club in Indonesia. Eventually, only 10 teams agreed to form a makeshift team for each wing of the women's division. But from that 10, it would eventually grow into 15, and later 20. From live streams on the internet to TV live feeds. Little by little, women's soccer in Indonesia is becoming a force that is reckoned with in Asia.

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