part time workers don't have any say in their jobs, if you don't stand out to the boss that oversees you, they'll find someone else, or if someone comes along younger, cuter, willing to work for less pay, the low man on the totem pole gets the ax. of course the flip side is that a good worker leaves for a better job and it can take two or more to replace them.
Hello! Thank you for reading.
Non-regular employment, including part-time workers, is in a really weak position. But adding personal feelings is another matter, right?
part time workers don't have any say in their jobs, if you don't stand out to the boss that oversees you, they'll find someone else, or if someone comes along younger, cuter, willing to work for less pay, the low man on the totem pole gets the ax. of course the flip side is that a good worker leaves for a better job and it can take two or more to replace them.
Thank you for reading.
Non-regular employment, including part-time workers, is in a really weak position.
But adding personal feelings is another matter, right?