I write this in english because I don't know japanese at all. I have read this novel with the help of google translate, because I don't know any other way for me to read them from Sweden. I'm a little familiar with japanese, so it is ok to read with google translate.
I was really captured by this novel. I started reading yesterday and continued reading during the night. At 6 am, I realised I had to stop and get some sleep. But the next day I finished reading it all.
The first thing the struck me, was the pace. It was moving forward at a good pace. It never draged things out in eternity. Specially when there is trouble or conflicts. I hate then that is running for 20-30 chapters. Makes me feel bad while reading it. Of cource, there should be conflict that the characters should overcome, since it builds the characters and make the relationships stronger. So even the bad things in this novel moved forward fast enough and it never became really painful to read.
Even the romance parts move forward fast enough so you don't get bored. It is cute, sweet and feels real. It never feels super akward at any point. The jealousy is kept at a moderate level, which suits me fine. I love the way the characters show their embarrassment. It is always in the right time and in a cute way. It is kind of cute and never really akward.
Since things are mostly done in moderation and the pace is good, I think this novel will suit many readers.
I'm really looking forward to the sequal. For that, I have a few wishes. In a few novels I've read, once they kiss or have sex or reached any kind of level like that in the relation, the authors stops writing about it. It is like it isn't important anymore. But for me it is, because if you don't read about it again, it feels like the relationship is moving backwards instead of moving forward. I want the author to make the relationship more solid, more strong, by letting the characters keep showing their affection and the physical part of the relationship. It is about romance after all.
This is my only way to support the author, since I don't think I can find this as a book, translated to english.
I always love a happing ending.
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the sequal.