heart28. WHITE HEARTS-on my standing placesー

WHITE HEARTS-on my standing places-

White hearts

This is a song for you and me.

We will get to the answer.

Everyone will find the way.

Wild wind blows to me.

Hard rain beat y heart.

White hearts raise a heart beat.

To find the answer.

In the town

Missing you in 1992.

Hard rain just calling again,

On my standing places.


I am whispering something

To find the answer.

Where do I go?

Where do I go ?


I wonder to find the answer.

To cleat a new stage.

Let me go.

Don’t let me go.

1/2/3/4 what to do.

We will , we will get to the answer.

Someday , someday,

We will have white hearts evolution.

Keep in the peace,

Each passion and white hearts.


それぞれの中に いくつもあるんだ。

Sun light

Just calling again on my standing places.

He left the letters for a love, including my love.

He talks like singing.

All he sings are what to love.

All the letter he sang

All the letters he talked

All our wish

All his songs are messages

All over the rivers.

All over the bridge

All over the times

Every one gets to some answers in white hearts.

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NEW STAGE SONGS 山崎風樹 @blueskymoon10




