第4話 - Four

Kouji panted as he got into the library, luckily he made it just in time as the library was closing in ten minutes. According to Tsubasa, the only typewriter at school was here in the library. Kouji found it rightaway, it was right beside the place to return books by the front desk.

"Excuse me, can I use this typewriter?" asked Kouji to a student who was apparently on library duty. She nodded in reply.

Kouji took a piece of paper out of his bag and started to type. Or rather, he tried. He was not familiar with typewriters and his struggle was so obvious that a girl returning some books beside him stared for sometime. The student librarian finally spotted him and helped him rolling his paper through.

"Are you writing a love letter? It seemed to be a trend these days, vintage looking love letter typed using a typewriter. I could certainly see the appeal!" she chuckled.

Kouji was finally able to make a duplicate of the note he received earlier but when he compared the two, they don't seem to be alike. The letter e in his note was not crooked as the one from the test, and the dot above the letter i in his note bled a little. He tried to type the same thing several more times to look for consistency and he got the same result.

This was not the typewriter used for typing the note. So, unless he couldn't find any other typewritter in town, he wouldn't take this one into consideration.

"Thank you, Senpai, I think I'm done." Kouji said to the librarian.

"You're welcome."

I need to find another typewriter but looking for one in the whole town? Pretty improbable, Kouji thought as he walked home. He knew he must find another approach, if not the typewriter then the sugar.

Brown sugar were not really a common thing to have at home here, so the only place that it came from must be from a bakery.

"So the hunt begins," Kouji whispered to himself.

He knew that there were only four bakeries in town. One of which was temporarily closed for renovation, three remained. Bakeries in town didn't usually open until late at night, leaving him with no option other than running again.

He reached the nearest bakery from school, just after the bridge that he met Itsuki and Ayako earlier. This bakery was relatively old, it had been in operation since 1950s. He walked inside and was met with a middle age woman.

"Welcome to Tetsu Bakery, students get 50% off of all items today!" she said.

"It really is tempting, but I actually am looking for something very specific," Kouji started, "do you by any chance have brown sugar in your bread?"

"Brown sugar? Sorry, we only use plain sugar. Our recipes are from my parents and they always use plain white sugar, I don't think brown sugar was very popular at that time. It certainly gained some populatiry these past years, right? Maybe I should try making a new flavor..." the woman rambled about.

Kouji then excused himself and got running again. He reached the second bakery almost out of breath. He opened the door and he saw the shopkeeper was talking with another customer. It was a girl from his school, he recognized the uniform.

"Welcome, feel free to take a look around, I'll be with you in a moment," said the storekeeper. Kouji didn't mind waiting a bit, he needed the time to catch his breath anyway.

"Thank you, please come again." said the storekeeper to the other customer after her purchase. "So, sir, anything peaks your interest?" this time the storekeeper talked to Kouji.

"Actually, Miss, I was wondering if you have anything with brown sugar?"

"Brown sugar? As far as I know, we don't, but let me check first." she said heading to behind the cash machine to open some big book that looked like restaurant menu. "Right, we have this Brown Sugar Muffin and Brown Sugar Cookie, but those are our autumn specialties so I'm afraid you should wait half a year for those."

"So, no brown sugar related menu is being sold right now?"

"I'm afraid not, but we have some date muffin and caramel cookies, their tastes are close to..."

"I'm sorry, it has to be brown sugar but thank you for the offer. Sorry to trouble you, Miss." Kouji excused himself to go back to running again. The last store was quite far, it was located near the train station. When Kouji finally arrived at the last bakery, a boy around his age was closing the door and locking it.

"Wait, wait, would you please stay open a little bit?" asked Kouji, still panting and out of breath.

"Sorry, Dude, we're closed, the bread is all sold out anyway." the boy continued locking up.

"Do you work here?"

"Yes, my second day today," Kouji senses some pride in his voice.

"Can I ask you some question, I'll be quick."

"Sure, Dude, my train is not coming for another fifteen minutes anyway. What's up?"

"Okay, it might seem random but is there any brown sugar flavored bread in this shop? Or maybe bread that has brown sugar coating or something like that?"

"Nope," he answered fast.

"Wait, Man, think about it first. Are you absolutely sure that there is no brown sugar bread sold today?"

"Look, Dude, I remember every flavor sold in this shop, it's part of my training and I'm a hundred percent sure that no brown sugar bread ever existed in the two days that I'm working here."

"Oh well, okay then, thank you very much," Kouji couldn't hide a disappointment in his voice. He couldn't think of any other clues left to be investigated.

"But we have brown sugar cheesecake sold today," the boy said lightly.

"You what?" Kouji almost shouted.

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