第5話 - Five

The boy was quite surprised at Kouji's excitement, "Like I said, I sold a brown sugar cheesecake to a lady today, she ordered it yesterday and picked it up just after I came."

"Really? Can you tell me who made the cake? Did you help making the cake?" Kouji's face leaned into the boy so close that he had to take a step back.

"Whoa, chill, Dude. I didn't make it, I'm only a storekeeper."

"I see, is there any other part-timer that works here and might be helping in the morning?"

"No, as far as I know the owner is the only one doing the baking with the help of her husband and children. Look, my train's here, come by earlier tomorrow of you want to buy the bread!" the boy said as he ran towards the platform.

"Wait, can you tell me the name of the owner, please?" Kouji yelled amidst the train engine sound.

"The name's on the plate, Dude." the boy said as he walked into the train. Kouji shouted his thanks and looked at the store building once more to find the store name written in big wooden plate.

Soga Bakery, luckily it's not a very common name. That's it for today, I guess. Nothing more that I can do, Kouji thought as he walked back home.


The next day, Kouji went to school early. He had texted Itsuki that he would go alone the night before only to find his bestfriends waiting for him by the bridge.

"Come on, Kouji-kun, you really thought we would miss your first case in high school?" said Ayako.

"Yeah, you could use our help you know, just tell us what we should do." Itsuki chimed in.

"Really, guys, it's not necessary. It's not that hard, just time sensitive." Kouji wasn't sure whether he could tell these two about his test, but it's a test to become a member of school council, not a spy agency. Secrecy wasn't necessary, plus Kouji knew that the two wouldn't get off his back until they are told everything.

"Whoa, how could you reach this far? If it were me, I'd probably gone to find that member list which I believed I would fail." said Ayako.

"That's an approach to the case though it has far less clues." remarked Kouji.

"Oh, by the way, Kouji-kun, you can leave it up to me to get the list of students with the last name Soga. Kanata-sensei in the administration is actually my mom's bestfriend during their school year. Ah, that's her! You two just wait here, okay?" Ayako darted off to the administration room, greeting the sensei.

After several minutes, Ayako came out holding a piece of post-it note.

"There are five Sogas? The name is not as uncommon as I thought," exclaimed Itsuki after seeing the paper. "Wait, I know this one," he said again pointing to the first name in the list, Soga Kotaro from class 3-A, "he's my senpai in the club."

"What does he look like?" asked Kouji.

"Scary, just like his name, he's a tiger."

"What does that suppose to mean, Itsuki-kun?" sighed Ayako.

"Well, he's big, you know, and he has this aura around him as if he's ready to pounce on you anytime. But he's the school star pitcher, so he's really really cool. If he's also a member of detective club, that just makes him even cooler, whoa!"

"Well, too bad, Fanboy, he's not it." said Kouji.

"What do you mean?"

"The clues pointed that the person must be fairly short, 160 cm or less, and this tiger person is big, right?" Kouji explained followed by murmured agreement from Itsuki. He seemed quite disappointed though.

"If that's the criteria, we have to eliminate this one too," said Ayako pointing to the last name of the list.

"Soga Haruka from 3-E? Why is that? You know her?" asked Itsuki.

"Everybody does! Well, almost everybody then," Ayako said seeing the two boys confused look. "She's very famous online, her online profile has hundreds of thousands of followers. She's really tall and gorgeous, she's practically like a model."

"Okay, two down, three to go." said Itsuki crossing the names on the paper. "Here, there are two Sogas in 3-B, let's go together."

As soon as they arrived in front of 3-B, they met a boy standing by the door, "Excuse me, Senpai, I'd like to meet Soga Ryoichiro-senpai or Soga Kenichi-senpai. Are they here?" asked Kouji.

"First year students, eh? Oi, Soga Kyoudai, there are some people looking for you." he shouted to the class. After some hassle, out came a pair of identical twin. They were both very tall, possibly 190 cm, Kouji knew that they can't be the Soga he was looking for.

"Ah, what's up, you want to register to the basketball club?" said one of the twins.

"You miss our tryout yesterday but we still have room for some more members." said the other.

"Ano, Senpai, I apologize, I think we've got the wrong person. I was looking for Soga-senpai whose family has a bakery by the station." said Kouji.

"Oh, well, that's not us then."

"I'm really sorry for wasting your time, Senpai." apologized the group again.

"Nevermind," said the twins in unison before going back inside the classroom.

It was only about three minutes before the lesson started so Itsuki and Ayako left for their classes already. Kouji didn't want to waste more time knowing that there was only one name left on the list, so he sprinted to the next room, 3-C.

"I'm sorry, I'd like to meet Soga Makoto-senpai, is he here?" asked Kouji a girl sitting in the front row.

"There, in the back corner," she said without even taking her eyes off of the magazine she was reading.

In the corner that she pointed to, there were a boy, quite short and small, maybe 155 cm, with short and spiky hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, leaning to talk to a girl. Kouji rushed towards the boy and bowed.

"Good morning, Soga-senpai, my name is Matsuoka Kouji from 1-B. I aspire to be a member of Excecutive Committee Investigation Division. Nive to meet you." Kouji blurted his greeting only to find puzzled look in the boy's face.

Then the girl bursted in laughter, "Nice to meet you too, Matsuoka-kun," she said leaving Kouji even more confused.

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