第3話 - Three

Kouji fell silent to the unexpected test before him. He had thought that he would be given some complex puzzle or maybe an old case to prove his deduction skill.

No, this question isn't very simple either, he thought.

"So you've seen the message. You have until tomorrow at lunch time to find and introduce yourself to our member. Any later than that means you fail." said Tsubasa.

"If you have any questions regarding the test, you can ask us. Otherwise, good luck." it was Arashi this time.

The other two boys left rightaway. Kouji heard that they were going to find a list of members in teacher's office. But Kouji knew it wouldn't be so easy.

He inspect the envelope and the paper within, both are just regular envelope and paper which can be found anywhere. The writing appeared to be typed using a typewritter, Kouji could also see that the letter e was a bit crooked. Now we're onto something, he thought. Just then, he realized that both Arashi and Tsubasa still stood at their place, they didn't even move an inch, as if they were afraid that their movements would give away any clues.

So the room is a clue, way to go for not realizing it sooner, Kouji scolded himself in silent. "Arashi-senpai, Tsubasa-senpai, do you mind if I look around the room?"

"As long as you don't make a mess." Tsubasa said.

This is the first time Kouji really paid attention to the room he was in. The room was not very big, it had two windows right on the opposite the door. By the window, there wer four sets of school desks and chair, two facing two others making a square. On the left side of the room, there were lockers, with blank nametags while on the right side there were book case with glass doors. In front of the lockers, two long benches were stacked together.

Kouji moved closer to the four tables in front of him. The two closest to the window had two identical books on them, Math for second grade. Their chairs were tucked in but there were a bag on each. Kouji assumed that they belonged to Arashi and Tsubasa.

The other desk on the left were a complete opposite. There were a hat, a bag, a water bottle and many other things. The chair was positioned quite far away, suggesting that the person had just left and didn't feel bothered to tidy up because he would be back. By investigating the length of the bag strap, the owner must be very tall, it was highly possible that it belonged to the big boy from before, Hayashi Taka.

It means there was only one desk left, the one on the right. This one was completely empty. No sign of anyone sitting here, except there was. When Kouji looked at the floor behind this fourth chair, he could see some drag marks towards the book case. The worn chair leg caps proved that this chair was the one causing the marks.

"What is in this book case, Tsubasa-senpai?" asked Kouji to Tsubasa who had been monitoring his every move.

"The bottom shelf is for administration documents like funding documents and such. There are also rule books for the Dicipline Division. The top shelf is our member lists by year, organization structure, president log book and such." Tsubasa said flatly.

"But of course you won't find this year's list because we hid it away!" Arashi sounded so excited as of he had prepared the remark from the night before.

"Hmm, what about that box on the very top?" Kouji pointed a box on top of the shelf.

"That belongs to the Investigation Division. Although, you can't look into that since you're not a member yet." said Tsubasa.

So that confirms whose chair it is, Kouji thought. Kouji tried to reach for the box, with 170 cm in height, he could reach the box pretty easily. It meant, if the mysterious member must drag a chair to reach it, he must be around 160 cm or shorter.

The height alone was not enough, of course. Kouji looked further, to the desk this time. He thought nothing was out of ordinary until he saw some brown crystals on the side facing the chair. Kouji smelled and tasted a little, it's brown sugar. It could mean that the person sitting here was snacking, perhaps? But no crumbs was found, and the trace was only present in that small area as if it was transferred from the person's sleeve. Kouji couldn't make anything out of it so he just took notes in his head.

"Can I ask, Arashi-senpai, did the person prepare this note here?" Kouji asked.

"Whoops, sorry, can't tell you that."

"Hmm, okay. Last question then, I'm rather new here so I don't really know my way around, is there a place in campus where I can find a typewriter?"

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