第2話 - Two

The class was over and it was time for the battle. Kouji packed his things and headed to the east building's third floor, the Excecutive Committee room. The Committee is the only students body with its own room, although it was located in the most remote place of all.

As Kouji reached the third floor, he saw a group of some twenty students gathered in front of the closed Committee room, majority are boys of all kinds of look, but quite a number of girls join too, though they clustered together in a tight groups.

After about five minutes waiting, a tall boy came out. He was even taller than Itsuki and had bigger built. His hair was cut in military style and he wore a white arm band, a sign that he was a member of Dicipline Division. His nametag read Hayashi Taka.

"Anyone who wishes to join Dicipline Division form a line here, as for the Investigation Division, you can come inside." he said in his burly voice fitting his physique. Everyone but three formed a line in an instant, feeling such commanding aura from the boy.

The remaining three including Kouji walked into the room, greeted by two other boys.

"Good afternoon, my name is Amasaki Arashi from class 2-A, I'm the president of the committee." the one with slick back hair said.

"And I'm Ameno Tsubasa from class 2-A, I'm the vice president. Nice to meet you." said the other one with glasses.

They look like twins, thought Kouji. It was true, beside the different hair and one wearing glasses, they looked similar with same heights and build.

"So, as you probably know, to be a member of Investigation Division, you have to pass the test made by our current member," started Arashi. "The test is right here in this envelope." he said gesturing to Tsubasa to hand the envelope to the three applicants.

Another boy received the envelope, it was not glued. Inside was a piece of regular copy paper with two words typed on it: Find me. The three applicants exchange looks then raised their head to look atthe president and vice president of the committee.

"That's it?" said the one holding the envelope.

"You must be kidding?" said another one.

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