Haruyama Gakuen: Investigation Division


第1話 - One

Matsuoka Kouji checked his phone as he stopped by the bridge, about ten minutes away from his new school, he and his best friends were supposed to meet there. He certainly didn't mind going alone, but they made him promise to wait.

"Oi, Kouji, sorry for the delay!" another student ran towards him, holding two soda cans and a bottle of juice. He was tall and well built compared to leaner Kouji, his hair was cut short and styled in spiky way. "Here, take this as an apology." he said passing one of the soda can to Kouji.

"Thanks, Itsuki. Ayako isn't with you?" ask Kouji.

"She'll be here shortly. Ah, speak of the devil, there she is."

Just then a girl with bob hair appeared, panting.

"You're late, Ayako." said Kouji.

"Sorry, sorry. Let's go then." she said as she took the juice from Itsuki.

Fukuda Itsuki and Yuzuki Ayako has been Kouji's best friends since elementary school. Itsuki and Kouji used to live closeby before Itsuki moved several blocks away during 4th grade, while Ayako had always have the same class as Kouji so they were just naturally friendly.

Today was their first day as a high school student at Haruyama Gakuen. They decided to enroll to the not so big high school for their own reasons. Itsuki fell in love for its rising baseball club while Ayako followed her mother's footstep in the school's sewing club. As for Kouji, he went for the grand prize. Haruyama Gakuen was famous for its clubs, but among all, one particular stood out, it was the Excecutive Committee, especially Investgation Division.

The Excecutive Committee acted like the school police. They had two division, Dicipline Division who enforce rules and handle rulebreakers and Investigation Division who solve cases to help Dicipline Division. So basically the Investigation Division was like Sherlock Holmes of the school, and Kouji was determined to get recruited. To be a member of Investigation Division was not easy, applicants must solve a test made by exsisting members. The case was usually so difficult that the previous year, no one passed. The rumor said that the division currently only had one member, a third year student. But setting the worry aside, Kouji started his school day optimistically.

During lunch break, Kouji stayed inside his class alone, eating his bento. Kouji went to class 1-B while Itsuki and Ayako were in 1-C and 1-E. It was the first time for them to be in different classes, Kouji actually felt relieved to be in a different class for once, Itsuki and Ayako were his best friends but they tend to get clingy and can be a nuisance sometimes.

"Kouji, eating alone? We'll join you then!" yelled Itsuki as he stepped inside the class.

"Is that your mom's rolled egg? Can I have some? Let's trade, I brought sausage!" said Ayako, taking a seat beside Kouji.

"You guys, do you really have to be here?"

"Come on, you like us around!" teased Ayako.

"We're here to make sure you eat a lot so you'll have the energy to solve the test for the detective club."

"Executive Committee, Investigation Division." corrected Kouji, though the two didn't seem to hear. "Anyway, will you go to your clubs after class?"

"Yes, there's some try out or something in baseball club."

"We also have some introduction thingy in sewing club. What time will you finish, Itsuki-kun?"

"I dunno."

"Then I'll just head home by myself then. Let's meet again tomorrow at the bridge though, I want to hear all about your clubs!"

She's going to be the one telling us about her club nonstop, thought Kouji. Itsuki seemed to be thinking the same thing but they agreed to meet anyway. That ended the lunch session of the trio. Itsuki and Ayako left for their classes, leaving Kouji partly content and partly exhausted.

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