

  • 習慣のススメへの応援コメント

    Good suggestions everything was good , sorry i dont know japanese so i didnt understand point "2", Also , its good to dont be at phone 2 hours before going to sleep and its because of screen light that wakes you up , eyes get trick that is the light of sun so eyes think is morning or day light.Other thing is to put your phone on "airplane mode"(機内モード) to prevent wi-fi signals and data 3G,4G to keep sending radiation waves that cant make you sleep and can cause insomnia. Good points keep writing to help people . Thanks



    Thank you for your message. The point "2" means that you should exercise to lead to improve quality of sleep or relieve stress.

  • 生活あっての学校への応援コメント

    Hello, i got interested on your writing , "home schooling" can be good but depends on couuntry. I suggest betrer change systems , one day there will soelmething new to learn but apart from books and self-study you are going to need someone to teach you and practice those studies. Keep on your work good luck



    Thank you for your interest on my writing. In Japan, more than one hundred thousands of students can't go school because of psychological or physical trouble such as Autonomic imbalance. I was one of them. Not only at school, It is important to  have a lot of way to learn. Of course i understand it is the best way for students to go to school to learn new thing. Thank you.