Episode 2/Unsafe Men



The two samurai stop their feet and talk to the young man from the older man.

「All right? "Kahei"?」

「Yes, I'm OK. How about Mr."Rokuro"?」

"Kahei" replied to "Rokuro" and he worried about "Rokuro".



The two samurai were out of breath.

Furthermore, sweat is blowing out from the face.

That would be naturally.

They desperately ran away from in the city of Kyoto to here.

「Oh no, I'm very tired. Let 's have a rest for a while in that shade of tree.」

"Rokuro" invited "Kahei".

"Kahei" responds short.


They walked forward.



The breath calms down little by little, and the amount of sweat is decreasing.

There was a big cherry tree, about 100 feet ahead of their eyes.

The trunk of the tree was about the size that an adult connected hands with four people and became a circle.

The flowers have fallen, but the leaf cherry also has a different taste and is beautiful.

Between the root and root of such cherry tree, "Rokuro" sits down first and deposit his back on the trunk.

Continue, between the root and root next to each other, "Kahei" sits down and deposit his back on the trunk.

Then "Rokuro" talks to "Kahei".

「Although it hasn't become summer yet, as so much ran, it gets hot and it can't bear.」

「Me too.」

"Kahei" responded short.



It seems that their breath has settled down quite a bit.

"Rokuro" talks to "Kahei" again.

「Oh no! It's the worst today.」

「No, that might be different. We succeeded in escaping.」

"Kahei" said a more positive thought than "Rokuro".

"Rokuro" consented the words "Kahei" said.

「I see.」



「What happened?」

Suddenly they were called out by someone who would be on the other side of the trunk of cherry tree.

Instantly "Rokuro" and "Kahei" stand up, take a distance from the cherry tree, and add a hand to the handle of the japanese sword.

And "Rokuro" asks.

「Who are you?」

「Oh my god! What kind of reason is it like to add a hand to the handle of the sword just by talking to you?」

Only someone's voice comes from the other side of the cherry tree.

「Shut up! Anyway come out!」

First of all, while "Kahei" shouts so, quickly pull out the japanese sword.

As it follows, "Rokuro" silently and slowly pull out the japanese sword.

The breath of "Rokuro" and "Kahei" was already calm.

Instead, tension is filled in them.

「You are unsafe men. If you want to see my face, Let's come over here.」

Someone on the other side of the cherry tree bluntly said.

It seems that he doesn't mind tensioning in "Rokuro" and "Kahei".

Listening to someone's words, "Rokuro" and "Kahei" looked at each other's face.

They felt relaxed for a moment, but they soon returned tension.

And "Rokuro" sends an eye signal to "Kahei".

In response to that, "Kahei" is about two steps away from there, and trying to turn around from the right side of the cherry tree to the other side.

"Rokuro" is also two steps away from there, and trying to turn around from the left side of the cherry tree to the other side.

As inevitably they wanted to pincer attack, and go around to the other side of the cherry tree little by little.

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