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遊子のブログNo409 2022年7月24日(日)


『ひっこ抜いたら王になれるという聖剣をほんとにひっこ抜いたら、腰も抜けたので田舎に帰って養生します。』全12話(3万字)、今日は 第11話 大神殿、継世の巫女 を投稿しました。明日25日完結します。

https://kakuyomu.jp/works/16817139557020375383 投稿しました。



『秘密結社、三人団 -神の国計画-』93話(25万8千字)まで書いています。





台湾角川のサービス『kadokado』で公開中の中国語版『真・巻き込まれ召喚~』https://www.kadokado.com.tw/book/30?tab=catalog 現在87話まで公開中。ブックマーク657 PV96.2K。



  • Hello 山口遊子さん,

    I am a fan of 『真・巻き込まれ召喚~』 reading from 台湾角川, thank you very much for creating such a great story and letting 台湾角川 to translate it into Chinese.

    Frist of all, sorry for commenting in English. I can read 90% of Janpanese but I really can't write it.

    I have read some of your blogs, looks like you are really concern about the low reading rate in 台湾角川. In my opinion, 台湾角川 is a relatively new web site for Janpanese novel with Chinese translation, so there is not many reader. I am really appeciate you become one of the pioneer to allow them translate your novel. I hope there are more authors like you, helping them create a better web site with lots of novels and fans, and eventually have enough fans for the publisher to make a real book.
  • Thank you very much for your comment.
    Total number of the episodes in 『真・巻き込まれ召喚~』is 518. Originally I posted it daily. But the speed of translation is 2 episodes by one week.
    I don't know how far it will be translated by 台湾角川, but please read to the end.