Human Revolution ➖️What kind of society should we aim for when building new values➖️
Human Revolution ➖️What kind of society should we aim for when building new values➖️
Human Revolution ➖️What kind of society should we aim for when building new values➖️
Human Revolution ➖️What kind of society should we aim for when building new values➖️
I am not one of the chosen ones. I am just one who knows. To know is to know that you know nothing. To know that you know nothing. To know that you are not one of the chosen ones. To know that you do not know the truth. I am one who knows that you do not know anything. I value the following.
- Say hello.
- Say thank you, not sorry.
- Ask for help when you are in trouble.
- People and animals, humans and animals, should help each other.
- Stop forcing your beliefs on others.
- Be tolerant of some discomfort.
- Think for yourself and make your own choices.
- Distinguish between complete freedom and limited freedom.
- We should live with a certain degree of freedom.
- Exercise freedom of expression within limited freedom.
It's okay to keep quiet about things that don't need to be revealed
- Cherish your inner freedom
- Take care of yourself
- Do tomorrow what you can tomorrow
- Your values are different from others'
- Stop forcing your values on others
- What I have said so far is my belief, so stop forcing this opinion on others
I respect your way of thinking
- It is important that society moves in a positive direction
- It is our role to create these ethics
It is our role to build a society that is easy to live in for people of all generations, all people, and all genders
- If these ethics are wrong
Let's actively correct them
If you cannot sympathize with these or agree with them, let's discuss them, seek solutions through discussion, and create morals and ethics together
Human Revolution ➖️What kind of society should we aim for when building new values➖️ 扶良灰衣 @sancheaqueous