007消力 シャオリー が会得できる可能性のある鍛錬について About the training that Shaoli can possibly master




For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text. And because it is a secret, I won't go into detail. Most are around 4,000 characters, and one under 5 minutes will be enough

007消力 シャオリー が会得できる可能性のある鍛錬について


今回一連の私の授業の002消力 シャオリー が会得できる可能性のある鍛錬について


私のただ消力 シャオリー が会得できる可能性のある鍛錬ついての術理を語るだけだ



さて板垣先生作のバキ BAKI に登場する郭海皇 かくかいおう の使う消力 シャオリー どうやって会得するか私なりの解釈で説明しよう

前の授業で語った通り消力 シャオリー は究極の脱力により獲得する体内の力のロスをなくし打ち終わるまでの力を重ね加速させる体内に力の加速器としての力を宿すこと







その方法は私の授業の001力の主 生力 せいりき 立禅が一番だ





その結果人体は常に全方向に力を放つことが常態化し体一塊て常に動く癖がつき力の主 生力 せいりき を獲得する





力の主 生力 せいりき で常に体一塊で動くことで生涯現役で戦えるだげも十分といえる



実は力の主 生力 せいりき 完全なものではない

完全なものが消力 シャオリー といえるだろう


それは力の主 生力 せいりき による力は完成というにはありとあらゆる状況に対応し力の流れを阻む障害を取り払ってはいないのだ




そして作中の郭海皇 かくかいおう も更なる上の鍛錬を行っている








それを長年続けて初めて消力 シャオリー は完成する可能性がある


そして郭海皇 かくかいおう は作中骨格から肉が減り続け齢90を超え骨に皮膚が垂れ下がり食事箸と椀に重量を感じたころその手に理消力 シャオリー が握られていたと語っている




この鍛錬を耐え消力 シャオリー を会得すれは実力だけなら百歳からだってボクシングの世界チャンピオンさえ狙えるレベルといえる


こちらは常に全身一塊となったパンチが打てる力の主 生力 せいりき にくわえ体内の力の加速器消力 シャオリー をそなえているのだ

試合がら成立すれはその年にまでなりたい否の力の流れを阻む障害を排し消力 シャオリー まで会得して負けたら恥じともいえる








About the training that 007 Shoryoku Shaori may be able to master

"Now, let's begin this lesson.

This time, in my series of lessons, I will talk about the training that 002 Shoryoku Shaori may be able to master.

I'll just say that even if I could do this, it would take a lot of time, and I felt like I would spend my whole life doing it, but I don't know if I could master it completely.

I'm just going to talk about the theory of the training that Shoryoku Shaori may be able to master.

Of course, I can't use it.

It may be disappointing to hear that, but please forgive me for explaining the theory and teaching the training method in the first place, as it is impossible in the real world.

Now, Baki BAKI by Itagaki Sensei I will explain in my own interpretation how to master the Shaori used by Kaku Kaiou, who appears in the game. As I said in the previous lesson, Shaori is the ultimate relaxation of the body, which eliminates the loss of internal strength and accumulates and accelerates the strength until the punch is completed. The obstacle to this is the tension in the body. However, in fact, it is constantly born and disappears while you are alive and moving. For example, when you take a step and become aware of the sensation, a slight tension in the muscles is created. Therefore, even if you do stretching exercises for flexibility, it will definitely have the effect of smoothing the flow of force by loosening and warming up the body, but there are also things that block the flow of force that is created by stretching exercises for flexibility. There are many obstacles that block the flow of force just by lightly being aware of any part of the body. However, if you want to be an accelerator of force, even those slight obstacles must be removed. The best way to do this is to do the 001 Power Master Seiriki Seiriki Standing Zen, which I taught in my class. Why standing reduction is best? First of all, it is to not move. By moving. By consciously reducing the obstacles that constantly obstruct the flow of power, and by being aware of the inside of your body, you can expel obstacles that may arise from time to time that obstruct the flow of power by simply releasing power in all directions in a motionless state known as standing meditation, and by making this a normal habit, you can reduce the occurrence of obstacles that may arise from time to time that obstruct the flow of power. As a result, the human body becomes accustomed to constantly releasing power in all directions, and the body acquires the habit of constantly moving as a whole, acquiring the master of power, Seiriki. And this is training to reach a higher level.

However, this is what I am saying after understanding the theory and mechanisms.

There may be some mistakes.

Now, let's get back to the topic.

It is enough to be able to fight actively for the rest of your life by always moving as one body with the master of power, Seiriki.

This is training for those who are greedy to aim even higher.

The theory of this method is to block the flow of power from within the same body and remove obstacles.

In fact, the master of power, Seiriki, is not perfect.

The perfect one can be said to be Shaori.

Why is it incomplete? The power of the master of power, Seiriki, cannot be called perfect because it can respond to all kinds of situations and does not remove the obstacles that block the flow of power.

It is true that removing the obstacles that block the flow of power while in a standing meditation state is a high level.

However, I interpret this as being perfect when you are not moving and not perfect when you are moving.

If you are perfect in standing meditation, there is no need for further training.

In the story, Kaku Kaiou also practices a higher level of training.

It is standing meditation with your feet on the bottom of a fast-flowing river.

Why is this a higher level of training?

This is due to the nature of a flowing river.

The flow of the water in a river changes in various ways while it is flowing, and no two flows are exactly the same.

What does it mean to use this nature to practice standing meditation in a river? It is an experience of a huge number of changes. In other words, while doing standing meditation, you remove the factors that hinder the flow of all kinds of power that occurs inside the body due to the stimulation of the changes in the flow of the river. Only by continuing this for many years can you complete the Shaoli. Of course, this is a possibility. And in the story, Kaku Kaiou says that when the flesh continued to fall from his skeleton and he reached the age of 90, the skin started to hang down from his bones and he felt the weight of his chopsticks and bowl, he was holding the Shaoli in his hand. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine how long it will take. Due to the various factors such as the method, aptitude, awareness, enthusiasm, and body, it is impossible to even imagine how long it will take to master it. Therefore, it can be said to be a romantic technique that requires a lifetime. Enduring this training If you master the power of the body, you can aim to become a world champion in boxing even if you are 100 years old.

The punches that the younger rivals use are punches that are not truly connected to the whole body, but are made by only one part of the body.

He always has the power of the body, the main power, which allows him to throw punches with the whole body, as well as the power accelerator of the body, the power of the body.

If the match is successful, it would be embarrassing to lose after mastering the power of the body and eliminating the obstacles that block the flow of power that you want to become by that age.

Well, it would be difficult in reality because it would be criticized as elder abuse in the public eye.

Patten closes the documents spread out on the podium.

"Let's leave it at that for now."

And this is not the official setting of the Baki series.

I have interpreted the mechanism myself and explained it, so there may be differences of opinion from Itagaki-sensei's side.

Therefore, if Itagaki-sensei's side says that this work is non-fiction, it is the minimum etiquette to delete it cleanly.

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