002消力 シャオリー Elimination force Shaoli




For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text. And because it is a secret, I won't go into detail. Most are around 4,000 characters, and one under 5 minutes will be enough

002消力 シャオリー


 消力 シャオリー それは板垣先生刃牙シリーズバキ BAKI に登場する郭海皇 かくかいおう の使う技だ








その彼の強さは消力 シャオリー 極限の脱力の力にある




















それが消力 シャオリー なのである





つまり郭海皇 かくかいおう は居合切りの鞘の中の力の加速器としての力を体内に宿しているのだ


結果範馬勇次郎に壁にたたきつられて地上のように多くの力を逃がす消力 シャオリー  による力を逃がす理を奪われ奮闘するも無効試合引き分けという方となる

その郭海皇 かくかいおう 146で編み出した範馬勇次郎ですら驚いた究極の武術の奥義はいろんな意味で一見の価値がある興味ある方はここの規定に反して私が起こられない程度に確認してほしい














002 Shoryoku Shaori

"Now, let's begin today's lesson. Shoryoku Shaori is a technique used by Kaku Kaiou, who appears in the Baki series Baki by Itagaki Sensei. He is the top of the Chinese martial arts world, and is 146 years old in the story. His skills are such that he can easily cut off a human's wrist with a chopping sword, easily throw a muscular man, and with a punch that looks light, he can pulverize him into a concrete wall with one blow. Even the strongest character in the story, Hanma Yujiro, is shown to avoid an attack for the first time in the story. Hanma Yujiro is the man who dodged a blow and showed the composure to place the sunglasses he was wearing on his arm. If you hear that, those who have not read the Baki series will think that he has a body that is not worthy of being 146 years old, but that is a mistake. There is even a scene where an old man with bald, gray hair and wrinkled skin appears in a wheelchair, looking his age.

His body is toned, with skin stuck to muscles that have lost all fat, but compared to young Chinese martial artists, he looks extremely weak and weak, so weak that he could never fight.

His strength comes from his power of relaxation, or the power of extreme relaxation.

When you hear that, it's true that a 146-year-old man can't be strong just by mastering relaxation in general terms, but in terms of the theory of the technique, it is possible.

But do you know what the purpose of relaxation in a fight is?

It's to reduce the loss of strength even a little. No matter how strong your muscles are, it becomes difficult to exert your true strength. The more muscles you have, the more the flow of power is hindered by the tension when attacking. The secret to attacking is to deliver a blow that carries more of the flow of power. The more muscles you have, the more the route through which the power of the attack flows from your hands and feet becomes tense and bulges, narrowing the route through which the power of the surroundings can be carried. This hinders the power and causes loss, and the power cannot be released in a straight line from within the body, resulting in a loss of true power. And it can be said that those in this martial art have no choice but to explore strength as a proposition that has no answer: relaxation and the tension that releases power. For this reason, most martial arts It is important to relax your fist. Of course, if you relax your fist while you are still inexperienced and try to hit something hard, you will suffer, so you need to clench your fist according to the situation. And for those who wonder why you can exert so much force even if you have mastered relaxing your fist, let me explain why. The ideal attack is to release your arms and legs without losing any force. In other words, it is thought that the human body cannot achieve this, like iaigiri, where you put your sword in the sheath and pull it out in one go. The flow of force inside the sheath is forced to be in a straight line, which is the same as a high-speed strike that would not be possible if you were to swing the sword normally. Hearing this, some may wonder whether it is useful because weapons and the human body are too different. And I can assure you that Yes, there is.

The flow of power of the sword in the sheath, which would normally be impossible in the human body, is made straight, and the force of pulling it out is forced to overlap and accelerate at one point inside the sheath, like a force accelerator, so there is a technique that makes it possible to perform a high-speed strike that would be impossible with a normal swing.

This is Shaoli.

The body, which has been freed of anything that blocks the flow of power by relaxing to the extreme, can be said to be a force accelerator inside the human body, where the flow of power overlaps and accelerates.

Therefore, when a strike is made, the force overlaps in a straight line and accelerates inside the body until the strike is completed, so that there is no loss of power. It is unclear whether the blow will be as strong as in the story, but it is expected to be a blow that is truly unbecoming of humanity.

He can do this with all of his attacks, a true human accelerator.

In other words, Kaku Kaiou has within him the power of an accelerator of the power inside his iaigiri sheath.

Furthermore, even when he is attacked, he boasts outstanding resistance to blows, as he is not tense enough to prevent the power he has received from leaving his body.

As a result, he is slammed into the wall by Hanma Yujiro, and despite his struggle, he is deprived of the power that allows him to release as much power as he would on earth, Shaoli, and the power that allows him to release his power is called a no contest draw.

The formula that Kaku Kaiou came up with in 146 The secrets of the ultimate martial arts that even Uma Yujiro was amazed by are worth seeing in many ways, and if you are interested, please check them out without violating the rules here and waking me up.

This is presented as a reference material, not an advertisement.

And to say that hitting a 146-year-old man to the max is terrible elder abuse is an insult to his improved skills and the years he has spent.

For example, if someone with over 100 years of experience in that field tells a youngster with less than half the experience that they are going easy on him because he is an old man, I would like to think that the person who has known that long would be disrespected.

If that is not the way of fighting, then it can also be called elder abuse. He will be hit, but he will also be prepared to get hit. It's a serious fight. Even if he's an old man, you should never underestimate him for the many years he has cultivated. If you are truly living on that path, you should be well aware of this. They live in a practical fight where there are no rules, no physical conditions, no fouls, no seconds to stop them. Those who live in such a rule-free strength contest, even if the reader thinks it's elder abuse, will fight with all their might, and it is a minimum courtesy to their strength that does not deny each other's pursuit of strength up to that point. "Pattan closes the documents spread out on the podium. "Let's leave it at that for now." And I forgot to mention that this is not the official setting of the Baki series. I have arbitrarily interpreted the mechanism and explained it, so there may be differences of opinion on Itagaki-sensei's side. Therefore, if Itagaki-sensei's side says that this work is non-fiction, I publicly state that it is the minimum courtesy to delete it.

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