
"Hi, Keiko, what's up? What matters?" I asked to Keiko.

"Yes, I do. But, well, how these cars piled up?" Keiko asked me.

Mr.Detective patted entering Keiko's head, then he grinned and said making his hand flow from right to left.

"It matters not."

He gave her a seat, and sat down on usual his chair. To my surprise, he started to talk with her.

"Matters what?"

"My mother weeped all time."

"All time."

"Yes. She has been stuck on her room these days. My pope prohibited me to come into, not to be infected by mother's disease."

"Your father. I see."

"And we heard weeping anywhere outside her room in the house."

"Anywhere," Detective said, "tell me more."

"At porch, at living room, at lavatory, she weeps just next to me."


"This incredible facts horrored us, so now we have stayed in neighbor's house as suggestion by my pope."

I observed detective was talking with her. I was impressed as much as his parents do. And I went to the kitchen to make coffee.

I never have succeeded to make it better than detective's. Poring his-made to glasses: that's all I do.

While usual not-hot coffee becomes worse, he takes account of it: both the hot and the iced are differently tasty so much. I prefer the hot one. I wonder why I can't drip more aromatically despite both I and he use the exactly same roasted beans.

I made an iced cocoa for Keiko. When I came back with drinks, they gazed at the violet car tower.

"Fixed. You'll see. ・・・Hup!"

He grabbed its sixth undamaged car and carried to the floor.

"Detective, what are you doing? Isn't it heavy?"

"Size matters not. Do you have driver's license?"

"Yes, I have. Why?"

"Drive. Immediately. To her house."

"I don't wanna. We should have it inspected and insuranced."

"Enough. Drive it immediately. "

"・・・Yes, sir."

Detective gave me the car's key ornamented with a pistol. Next moment which I aware, our car is in Keiko's house. We: I and Keiko already have destroyed its walls, doors, and ceilings by our clashed car.

I lost myself. When my phone rang, I got back myself into the video call from detective.

"You must have the letter and the knife."

"Your words are off the point. The house was badly destroyed."

"No problem. Please do your business."

Detective looked in hurry. I passed my phone to Keiko so that she took him to her mother's room.

Now I'm alone. My business is to look for whom posted the knife. I went to porch. The corridor is slightly shaded. I heard weeping from everywhere inside, as if speakers are hidden like a haunted amusement.

The sun in the high south sky suddenly replaced the night with just noon. I will post toy knife・・・, am posting・・・, can’t post. It's mouth is too thin to post. The one must post it from the other mouth to receive. But it was locked. Therefore, the one must be a member of Keiko's family.

I slapped myself twice in order to make up my mind. Now that if my deduction is wrong, and if the one is her father, he may kill Keiko's mother with solid intention. He might hide her body in her room and prevented from that his daughters find her dead body. This could be murder case. In Japanese, satujin.

I stired up house, the I found Keiko shrinked in front of a room. She lifted her eyes to my face, and said to me.

"My mother said that she want you to talk with. I am waiting here and I will have. When all are done, call me please."

She said so, shrinked again, and faded into the haunted house. I breathed deeply, and opened the door. I scorned myself because I was excited with such situation.

To my surprise, the mother's hair was too bright to watch, and its color was glitter lemon yellow. I hadn't paid attention when I checked her appearance in recorded movies. Maybe she had had black hair.

The mother was no-blood pale and looked at me. She smiled erecting her cheekbones.

"I will beg you two."

She was dead I suppose, incredibly small voices.

"I beg you my three. Never, please never to entrust them to pope," She cried huskily again "never." With misery and anger.

Flyer which is ten years ago.

Age gap between senior papa and girl mother.

Nobody but her family can post that knife.

The mother keeps her three away from her papa.

Now I fixed. I even about to vomit due to that.

"If, if you sent that knife,"

She tends to keep her three away from her papa.

Who posted that knife may hate the papa.

There’s no wonder if the mother is his daughter.

It might be disastrous for ten years or more...

"No one saves my daughters from pope after I die, so I beg you."

She continued quietly.

"And, bring me back the flyer you have."

"Ah... OK? But what's your purpose?"

"That's my charm I have made."

Then she started to talk one, by, one.

 Everytime my pope goes back to home, I write something on the flyer by pencil. I filed the erased paper and slept holding it. To save my sister, not to make my mother sad, I have to endure.

 I don't know when, someday, I will awaken from this nightmare. Someday, we can live together in happier days. I dreamed―

 I was not allowed to go high school. Because I got pregnant, Keiko. I sacrificed myself for my sister. She went a bording school and already graduated. She left from home and I hope she enjoy her marriage life. I was jealous to her. I was careless enough to complain such gerousy.

 "If you can be happy, you may go."

 My pope said to me quietly.

 My daughters grew up. And I start to work in a office witch suggested by my pope. Colleagues are so kind to me. "Good job." "You great." "You're so much beautiful." I dreamed to meet who doesn't give violence to me nor roar at me. Therefore I fell into love with an officer.

 About half an year ago, a man next to my desk told me "I love you. Please be my girlfriend." But I, but I can't be with a splendid man like you, I don't have such right, forbidden. Because I―

 I broke all to him, I broke all my miser and anger. I have three daughter. I havent been to high school. I will have made you miserable if you are with me. I broke all of my life to him.

 "That's because you were alone."

 He embraced me and said quietly.

 "No problem. I save you and your daughters. I save all of you from now."

 Then I was with him and proposed just one weeks ago. I went back home with happiest mood. And I told to my pope.


 "Fxcking bitch! Get out here now if you want! I'll curse you until you die! I kill your boy now!"

 My pope drunk a lot that day because he da some trouble in his work, he was in bad temper.

 "You can't escape from me! I'm angry! I kill our three and curse you to kill! I was thrown away when I was baby! I went to Tokyo at seventeen, and worked so much hard to earn and to raise you, but you tempted me quite long so much long time, you fxcking bitch!"

 I was killed by untrue slanders. I lost my breath because of his endless violence.

 "You also throw me away."

 Bang!!! his left words were not heard because of the shutting door's sound. I weeped for my miser and for enduring body aches.

 I couldn’t sleep. Because my charm was purloined.

 "You are wrong, my pope. You are too close to me, it's true, it's what matters."

 The charm had chaged from cheering myself to cursing my pope many years before. Begin with words like "horrible," but once I desire his death, I can’t stop my overflowing feeling.

 I don't have such courage to say it, but I can write it. Because my pope won't find that I am the sender. He is not so much intelligent. If he received my letters, however, something might have been changed in his mind.

 I don't know when, someday, I will awaken from this nightmare. Someday, we can live together in happier days. I dreamed but my bones are all broken. My heart is thoroughly broken. Too much violence made me unable to move anymore.

"My, dream, ordinary, life as a girl, never, comes to me."

Her words were scarcely heard because of the loud weeping and crying. Somebodies bursted into all at once. I can't stop my shaking due to anger while she talked.

"It’s your knife. Don't you need it."

I was surprised by asking with much low and much angry voice.

"I need only the flyer. The knife is not necessary."

"But this is yours."

"It's impossible to kill someone with such knife. In addition,―"

She shook her head then she continued.

"You won't know what I mean. Surely, you can't catch it."


I brought the flyer to her and entrusted Keiko to her neighbor lady. I got back to my house alone on foot.

The night of that day, Keiko’s house was lost by fire. There is no shape of house.

An anonymous body was found in the remains of the fire. The body put a charred paper in its mouth. Three daughters including Keiko are sound. But police can't be in touch with Kono Yukio (Keiko's father) and Kono Otsuko (Keiko's mother).

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