We should return the purloined letter.

I did my best. I've researched the father in recent two weeks. I even got a help from the regular lady of this café, and captured Keiko’s home entrance by a security camera, and monitored it all time, but I couldn't make any progress.

"Hmm, who sent the lett... the flyer and the knife?"

"Still that, huh?"

"Mr.Detective, can you help me?"

He sat his chair, then looked at me groaning in the sofa and pointed to my note. I passed it, he checked it quickly.

"I see, you use a camera. Any results?"


"That can't be right. Can I witness the footages here now?"

"Oh, yes. Anytime. Both lives and archives."

"Okay, great. Let me give you basics of investigation."

I turn up my PC, and begin playing the video. He sometimes tells me to stop when a man leaves the home.

"The video so clear that I'm almost illusioned as if we were there, seeing with our own eyes."

"You find something?"

"Not yet. When it was?"

"Yesterday morning."

"How long have you recorded?"

"Two weeks straight."

"Excellent. Show me other mornings too."


In the seven days of two weeks ago, a man and a very young woman left the house at 8a.m. each morning, chatting and smiling. The man wore clothes labeled 'Null-Gardening,' and the woman dressed like a typical office worker, so it seems they were commuting.

It's rational to think they are Keiko’s genuine parents.

Additionally, the wife looks so much younger than I has expected. She seems to be late twenties, while the husband looks to be late fifties. If my eyes are correct, it would mean they have age gaps as significant as between father and daughter. And neither of them wears an engage ring. Perhaps this is not uncommon these days, so possibly it doesn't have significance.

I wonder why the wife doesn't appear in a latter week, and only the husband has left the house. His face became noticeably darker and more severe compared to a former week's. We lose sight of the wife since the Saturday before last week.

She might recognize the camera, so she uses other way. She sneaked out and had gone anywhere. Or she stays in home absent from her office. Many hypothesises are there. But I don't have enough evidence to fix my deduction.

"I see. What you said will be important. Because your unconscious intuition caught them. They will surely be helpful."

"Got it!"

With a cheerful response, I started to re-observe and the detective stopped me, saying, "That’s no use."

"If you look for keys to progress too eagerly, you might end up with vanity. That could lead us into a labyrinth. You should stop."

"Got it."

I quit. Mr.detective placed his right hand on his chin, made a click sound with his leather toes, and sat down quietly in his armchair before speaking.

"Fixed. You'll see. We should return her purloined letter."

"Return it?"

"Now that we should move on the spot."

"On the spot, huh."


Hearing the detectivity term, I was a little bit excited.

"But why?"

"To trace someone's thoughts, the best way is to do what they'd done."

"Why you don't move by yourself if you know what you should do."

"I said 'It's your business.' Do you remember?"

"...You just want to be lazy, don’t you?"

"Well, I can’t deny that, but—"

The detective stood up and took a book from a shelf.

"Have you ever read 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes'?"

"Yes. If ever not, they must not be literate."

"Well, how about 'A Scandal in Bohemia'?"

"Of course."

"Another story where Holmes fails is 'The Yellow Face,' though that one is from 'Memories.'"


"Exactly. Both include female secrets. Holmes isn't interested in anything but chemistry and criminology, so he can’t solve women’s hearts. That was the sense of the stories."

"I see."

"Deduction is mere an imagination based on some kinds of evidences. So if you’re with unrevealed secrets, you’re must go wrong."

"But your deductions are always correct, aren’t they?"

"Thank you. But, as you know, this case might be sexual."

"You want to say you're like Holmes, so you can’t resolve this case? That’s never true. You’re a professional of psychology."

"To be honest, I've lived as an elite in a male society. I can't see what victims might think."

"Well, I can’t understand that too."

"But you’re much more of a lady than I am. You’re cute, wonderful, and charming. See, you’re blushing."


"And, I remember when I helped you from offenders. Sorry, well, anyway, this isn’t my business, it's yours. I promiss to help you."

Recalling a little fear and unpleasant memories, and getting frustrated at the detective’s dxmn excuses for his limits, I ended up shouting in a high voice that could brake all the windows in the office.

"When is your turn, detective!? You never say a word agsinst clients, I’ve never seen you step outside this office, and now you never help me, but advise vaguely! But I got stuck! I need you to help! How stubborn fool of you!!!"

The detective only sat back down in his armchair, shrugged his shoulders, and made a regretful expression.

"Come on, please come with me. I'm really feeling down with this case alone. Please, I’m begging you!"

"It’s impossible. You’ll be fine only by your own."

I grabbed the detective by the waist and tried to drag him outside the office. But he resisted with all his might, making sure not to hurt me. I let go of his waist and glared at him.

"Why are you so resistant."

"Impossible. I’m cursed to die if I step outside, even just a step."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it’s better to show you."

The detective opened the door and, as soon as his right toes touched the outside land, violet N-BOXes smashed through the office roof and door, and the sixth vehicle that fell violently crushed the detective.

"Now you see."

From behind the pile of wrecked cars, the detective appeared with ease.

"When I have to step outside the office, it means my game is over. Remember it."

"......What? Eh, detective, why is there cars? Huh? Why are you alive...?"

I couldn’t keep up with the situation and my emotions. I was surprised by the car falling, sadden death of the detective, but then relieved to see him unscathed, I started to cry because I can't understand what happening and losing control of my mind.

"I heard so loud sounds... wow, what happens?" Keiko says.

"A little, but, we have no problem, come in, Keiko."

She has been about to come in this office. Hey, wait.

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