第3話 "Enough!"

Qi Yunyu's words made Xiao Jin ponder once again. She was the daughter of a chairman of a listed company and the only child in her family. Naturally, her parents groomed her as the heir. Unfortunately, a single mistake led to her downfall—falling in love with the wrong person brought about her demise.

Faced with this bizarre situation, she had slowly gotten accustomed to her current circumstances. However, the uncertainties about her future worried her.

"Miss Xiao, look over there."

Following the direction of his slender fingers, Xiao Jin saw a large, red-golden koi fish hidden deep in the pond.

"Who would've thought it would grow so big."

Qi Yunyu's tone carried a hint of excitement, like meeting an old friend.

"It was so small when my friends and I caught it. When Father ascended the throne, I brought it along to the palace. It almost died when we first arrived, but who would've thought it would thrive so well now."

"Surely it thrived under the careful care of the prince and the empress."

"It wouldn't have grown so well if it hadn't worked hard itself, no matter how well my mother and I took care of it."

Qi Yunyu opened his palm and scattered some fish food. The koi swam eagerly toward him but stopped about twenty centimeters away from the red-golden fish.

They didn't dare approach.

At this moment, the confused Xiao Jin suddenly had an epiphany. She immediately relaxed and bowed deeply to Qi Yunyu.

"Thank you for your guidance, Your Highness."

Seeing the fish food was gone, Qi Yunyu threw some more towards the koi, then stood up straight and clapped his hands.

"Why is Miss Xiao suddenly thanking me? We were just enjoying the fish."

He waved at Xiao Jin and turned to leave.

The Empress specifically asked Xiao Jin to join her for dinner, with countless reminders throughout the meal.

The next morning at the Hour of the Dragon, Xiao Jin paid her respects to the Empress and bid farewell to the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager claimed to be unwell and did not see her, only asking her to bow three times in front of her door.

Outside the palace gates, a luxurious royal carriage was waiting. Judging by its style, it was the Empress's phoenix carriage. Several maids carried various exquisite boxes, luxurious silks, newly made clothes, and other items, placing them in the carriage.

It must have been arranged by the Empress. Xiao Jin knelt and bowed three times toward the palace gate before getting into the phoenix carriage.

Xiao Yi had received the news and had informed the household. Aunt Yao had dressed up early and led Xiao Qin to wait at the main gate.

"Mother, see, Xiao Jin hid in the palace for so long, but she still had to come back."

Xiao Qin eagerly watched the bustling street. The story of Xiao Jin bleeding in the main hall had long spread like wildfire. She had planned to mock Xiao Jin the day it happened, but Xiao Jin hid in the palace.

"She should have died to save face back then if she had any sense."

Aunt Yao covered her mouth with a handkerchief, looking pleased and arrogant.

"However, the lady in Lingke Courtyard is close to the Empress. I wonder..."

Xiao Qin looked worriedly at Aunt Yao.

"What are you afraid of? She's nothing but a paper tiger. If she was truly favored by the Empress, the Empress wouldn't have ignored her all these years."

Aunt Yao smoothed the strand of hair she had deliberately left loose, her eyes full of disdain.

"Mother is insightful. Not to mention the Empress, even An Yuan Marquis's household doesn't pay much attention to her. I only hope she and her mother die soon, then the position of mistress will be yours."

Xiao Qin smiled happily. If Aunt Yao was legitimized, she would be the legitimate daughter. She wouldn't be ridiculed at banquets anymore.

"My dear Qin'er is the true legitimate lady. She's nothing, having been rejected from marriage. Today, she won't enter through the main gate."

Aunt Yao caressed Xiao Qin's fair face, but her words were venomous.

As they chatted and laughed, the crowded street was cleared, and a luxurious palace carriage slowly approached. A gray-black clad palace servant led the way on horseback, followed by five or six maids on foot.

The carriage stopped, and Xiao Jin stepped out. Aunt Yao and Xiao Qin watched coldly but brightened at the sight of the various boxes, silks, and clothes.

"Oh, dear sister still has the nerve to return."

Xiao Qin was the first to speak, drawing the attention of the passersby. While the common people could hear some gossip about the wealthy, witnessing it was rare.

As the crowd grew, Xiao Qin descended the steps and became bolder.

"After doing such disgraceful things, why didn't you find a place to hang yourself? Why come back to sully our family?"


Before Xiao Qin could finish, she was slapped back several steps. Realizing it was Xiao Jin, she lunged forward but was restrained by Aunt Yao.

"Why, Eldest Miss? Qin'er is your sister. Even if you're upset about being rejected, you can't take it out on your own sister."

Aunt Yao's words sparked a flurry of whispers about how unreasonable Xiao Jin was.

Xiao Jin ignored them and walked towards the main gate but was stopped by a few gatekeepers.

She looked back at Aunt Yao, whose smug face was loathsome. Adjusting her hair, Aunt Yao said:

"Eldest Miss, you cannot enter through here."

"Oh? Where should I enter then?"

Xiao Jin stood still and looked directly at Aunt Yao.

"After disgracing us, you still expect to walk through the main gate? Letting you in through the side gate is already a favor."

Before Aunt Yao could speak, Xiao Qin snapped, her hands on her hips, looking like a market woman.


A shout came from the crowd, and Xiao Yi appeared in his official attire, his face dark.

"Husband, why have you returned?"

Aunt Yao rushed to him.

"You still ask? Making a scene at the gate in broad daylight, what a disgrace!"

He didn't want to return but was interrupted at the Ministry of Justice by a servant reporting the commotion.

Xiao Jin's disgrace had already made him a laughingstock. Seeing his beloved second daughter with a swollen face, Xiao Yi barely contained his anger and glared at Xiao Jin standing below the steps.

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Pretty Dawn @tylee




