第2話 “Why the sigh?”

Time flew by, and more than a month had passed.

The Empress was exceptionally attentive to Xiao Jin, providing her with the finest medicinal herbs and exquisitely prepared meals every day. Besides these privileges, she also arranged for her personal nanny, Chen Mama, to teach Xiao Jin etiquette and manners. Although Chen Mama was stern and rarely smiled, Xiao Jin discovered that she had a kind heart beneath her strict exterior. In her free time, Chen Mama would often share intriguing stories about the noble families, though these stories were often laced with hidden schemes. It was unclear whether this was deliberately arranged by the Empress.

On this particular day, Xiao Jin was learning flower arranging with Chen Mama when a palace maid entered.

“Mama, the Empress Dowager requests Miss Xiao’s presence.”

Xiao Jin was startled, and the scissors in her hand paused mid-cut.

Chen Mama had mentioned that within the palace, the previous emperor had few heirs, with only two princesses. The current emperor was not born of Empress Dowager Lou but was the son of the previous emperor’s elder brother. Empress Dowager Lou, entrusted by the late emperor on his deathbed, governed from behind the curtain and assisted the new emperor.

Emperor Yunchang’s governance style differed greatly from that of the late emperor. Having grown up among the common people, he was acutely aware of their needs. After ascending the throne, he sought to implement changes, but Empress Dowager Lou stubbornly adhered to the late emperor’s ways, leading to both open and covert conflicts between them. Initially, there was some restraint, but now the power struggle between the Empress Dowager and Emperor Yunchang was out in the open.

Xiao Jin had been recuperating in the palace for several days, and the Empress Dowager had shown no interest in her. Today, however, she suddenly visited the Empress’s palace and specifically requested to see her.

“With the Empress here, Miss Xiao need not worry.”

Chen Mama, observing Xiao Jin’s reaction, carefully adjusted her clothing and nodded reassuringly.

Led by the palace maid into the main hall, Xiao Jin saw Emperor Yunchang smiling at her, while Empress Dowager Lou sat with a sullen expression.

“Your subject greets Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager, and the Empress.”

Kneeling, she bowed her head to each in turn. Empress Dowager Lou acknowledged with a grunt, and Xiao Jin was helped up by a nearby palace maid.

“How is your injury?”

Empress Dowager Lou’s cold voice resonated. Xiao Jin hurriedly curtsied and replied, “Thank you for your concern, Empress Dowager. Thanks to the Empress’s care, your subject is much better.”

“Hmph, it seems you have not only recovered but also gained some weight.”

Empress Dowager Lou snorted disdainfully, glancing at Xiao Jin before sipping her tea.

“The Emperor sees this as a good sign. A young woman should not be too thin. It’s evident the Empress has taken good care.”

Emperor Yunchang continued to smile.

“The Empress agrees. Jin’er was always beautiful, and now there are few women in the capital who can surpass her.”

The Emperor and Empress exchanged light-hearted banter, leaving Empress Dowager Lou sidelined.

After a while, a palace attendant announced the arrival of Prince An. Soon, a tall and handsome young man appeared.

Qi Yunyun, the Emperor’s most cherished and favored son, was born to the Empress.

“Your son greets the Empress Dowager, the Emperor, and the Empress.”

“Greetings, Your Highness Prince An.”

Xiao Jin rose and curtsied. Qi Yunyun casually acknowledged her with a wave before sitting down to drink tea. Despite his daily routine of visiting the Empress, this was the first time they met since Xiao Jin had been recuperating in Yongle Palace.

Xiao Jin had often heard about Prince An’s exceptional looks and demeanor. Whenever he left after paying respects, the young palace maids would gather, blushing and talking about him. Today, seeing him in person, she took the opportunity to discreetly observe him from her seat.

He appeared to be around eighteen or nineteen, wearing a long purple robe with a black silk belt embroidered with cloud patterns. His face was sharply defined, with a high nose and deep, ocean-like eyes that seemed to smile. His black hair was tied up with a jeweled crown. His hands, holding the tea cup, were slender and fair. Indeed, he was a strikingly handsome figure.

“What does the Emperor plan to do about the Lang family?”

Empress Dowager Lou suddenly asked.

“I have my considerations, but as for Xiao Jin, I believe she deserves careful thought.”

Emperor Yunchang looked lovingly at Xiao Jin, prompting another cold snort from Empress Dowager Lou.

“Your Majesty, Empress Dowager, I wish to adopt her as my daughter.”



Two voices objected simultaneously, one being Empress Dowager Lou, and the other Qi Yunyun.

Seeing all eyes on him, Qi Yunyun rose and bowed to the three before speaking:

“Mother, your affection for Miss Xiao is clear, but there’s no need to grant her such an honor at this time.”

The Empress pondered for a moment, realizing she had been too hasty.

“The Empress is still young and may not see all aspects clearly.”

Empress Dowager Lou, seizing this minor mistake, was unwilling to let it go.

“She has committed a disgraceful act and should not be rewarded. How could this set an example?”

“While Miss Xiao’s actions were inappropriate, she too is a victim of these customs.”

Qi Yunyun stepped forward.

“Your subject dares to suggest that the Empress Dowager, being a woman, understands the hardships faced by women.”

The Empress chimed in, leaving Xiao Jin deeply moved but unable to speak, only watching silently.

“It is true, but if we reward her, it would set a dangerous precedent.”

“Enough, enough. The Empress Dowager’s concerns are understandable, and the Empress had good intentions. I did not consider it thoroughly.”

Emperor Yunchang intervened to halt further arguments.

“We have spoken enough. The Empress Dowager must be tired.”

Realizing her proposal could not proceed, Empress Dowager Lou rose to leave, and everyone bowed in respect.

“You have stayed in the palace long enough; it is time to return home.”

Passing Xiao Jin, Empress Dowager Lou issued a curt dismissal before departing without looking back.

After Empress Dowager Lou left, Emperor Yunchang and Qi Yunyun exchanged a few words before leaving Yongle Palace. The Empress then reminded Xiao Jin not to overthink and allowed her to rest.

Exiting the main hall, Xiao Jin felt a mix of emotions and wandered into the small garden of Yongle Palace. The late spring sunshine was warm, the air filled with the scent of flowers, and koi swam happily in the pond.

“Dying and ending up in this constrained place—how different my experience is from the heroines of films, TV dramas, and novels. Those were created to please, after all. It’s so frustrating.”


Xiao Jin couldn’t help but sigh, unaware that the palace maids had all vanished.

“Why the sigh?”

A man’s voice suddenly came from behind, startling Xiao Jin. She quickly composed herself and turned to see Qi Yunyun.

“Your subject greets Your Highness Prince An.”

Qi Yunyun walked over to Xiao Jin, leaned against the railing beside her, and silently watched the koi in the pond.

“Mother has raised them well.”

Qi Yunyun spoke suddenly.

“But confined to this small space, they can no longer yearn for the vast seas.”

Xiao Jin was taken aback, looking curiously at Qi Yunyun. The warm sunlight enhanced his handsome features.

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