第4話 "Ah!!! Die!!"

Using a normal way to atone for his sins was impossible. So, Gu Yu could only atone through such an extreme method. He was betting that his eldest disciple wouldn't genuinely want to kill him like she would in the future.

In the original story, his eldest disciple would become utterly hopeless in the future. She wouldn't be shouting at him or attacking him like she was now. She still had reactions, especially when he mentioned those first two years, which showed she still hoped he would change for the better. If she truly wanted to kill him, she would be very despondent, speaking less than three sentences a day. When beaten or tortured, she would silently endure and shed tears, only to look at him with eyes full of murderous intent. Not like now, where her emotions were stirred by him.

Understanding all this, Gu Yu felt assured. Otherwise, why would he give her a high-grade weapon and lower his defenses? Gu Yu wanted to atone, but he didn't want to die. He didn’t want to be killed right after transmigrating.

Sure enough, upon hearing his words, Qing Ying was initially stunned, then began trembling even more violently. With a look of extreme pain on her face, she screamed at him.

"Ah!!! You demon! Scum!!"

After screaming, Qing Ying quickly picked up the blue crystal short sword, holding it with both hands, and burst into tears, her face covered in tears. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation and didn’t know how to handle it. Why would this demon Gu Yu give her a short sword and then tell her to attack him? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!

Qing Ying didn’t know what trick Gu Yu was playing. Was he, like before, giving her a bit of hope only to plunge her into despair again?

Thinking this, Qing Ying was convinced. Yes! That must be it! This damned devil must be planning to hit her flying just as she attacks him with the short sword! At that moment, Qing Ying glanced at her little junior sister, Liu Wan Yue, who was unconscious with blood at the corner of her mouth.

Instantly, rage consumed her. If that’s the case, she would attack! Even if she gets knocked back, she would charge at this demon Gu Yu with the short sword!

"Ah!!! Die!!"

Shouting, Qing Ying stepped forward, channeling all her spiritual power into her hands. She rushed to Gu Yu, gripping the short sword with both hands and thrusting it towards his heart. In her mind, Gu Yu would surely knock her back, so aiming for his weak point was no problem.

But as the short sword’s tip touched Gu Yu’s body, she felt no resistance. Moving forward, she saw the sword tear through Gu Yu’s black clothing. Moving further, Qing Ying was shocked to see the short sword piercing into Gu Yu’s body. The next second, blood spurted onto her face. At that moment, Qing Ying wanted to pull back. She didn't really want to kill Gu Yu, just to vent her anger.

However, she found she couldn’t stop! Fresh blood spurted from Gu Yu’s wound, staining her exquisite face, her beautiful purple hair, and her black dress red. Instantly, Qing Ying felt weak all over. This was her first time killing someone! She had actually killed someone! And it was Gu Yu, her once-perfect master!

From her perspective, Gu Yu must be done for. With his heart pierced, how could he not die? At that moment, Qing Ying’s body went limp, falling backward, letting go of the blue crystal short sword still in Gu Yu’s heart. But then, she felt herself being supported. Gu Yu, with blood at the corner of his mouth, gently spoke to the blood-covered Qing Ying.

"Qing Ying… No, I’ll call you Ying’er like before."

Hearing this, Qing Ying uncharacteristically didn’t shout back. She just stared blankly at Gu Yu’s pale, handsome face. Seeing Qing Ying’s dazed look, Gu Yu’s mouth curved into a gentle smile, continuing softly.

"I'm pleased to see you’ve grown and dare to strike me. Actually, I didn't intend to torture you all. But there was no other way. If I didn’t, your potential would never be unlocked. Through the heavenly prophecy, I saw your future, and you will face a formidable opponent. Without fully unlocking your potential, you wouldn’t stand a chance against this enemy. So I had no choice but to do this. Cough, cough…”

At this point, Gu Yu coughed, spitting out a bit of blood, looking even weaker. But he continued gently.

"Ying’er… I’m pleased that you struck me. Because if you can’t even confront me, how can you face that future opponent? For you to truly grow, you must kill me. Only by killing me can you truly grow. Cough, cough…”

"Ying’er, you’re the eldest disciple, so from now on, take care of your junior sisters in my stead."

As he spoke, Gu Yu extended a hand, gripping Qing Ying’s small hand, making her grasp the blue crystal short sword embedded in his heart.

"Come, Ying’er, let me teach you a weapon technique. Infuse your spiritual power into the weapon to maximize its potential. After that, with a slight twist, my heart will be completely shredded. I will die in front of you. Come, do it… Cough, cough…”

Another cough left Gu Yu’s face deathly pale, his hands falling limply, his eyes warmly watching the blood-soaked Qing Ying.

After hearing Gu Yu’s words, Qing Ying’s mind went blank. The flood of information left her unable to react for several seconds.

No wonder! No wonder! Her master turned from a kind, caring master to a terrifying one overnight! It was because he foresaw their future! Without his intervention, how could they possibly grow? And with his immense power, how could he wish for death? But for their sake, he was willing to sacrifice himself!

This must be true! For with a simple twist, she could destroy his heart! He wouldn't joke with his life! Previously, he said they’d live well together, but did nothing substantial and instead crushed their hope. But now it was different. If she wanted, she could take his life at any moment!

Why? Why didn’t he tell her sooner? Why only now? Damn it! This despicable master! Why be so cruel! Why only now reveal everything?

Furious, Qing Ying felt like a cold shower had doused her anger. She burst into tears.

"Master! No! Don’t die! Ying’er doesn’t want Master to die!!!"

"Don’t! Ying’er doesn’t want to kill Master!! Master, don’t die!!!"

In her panic, Qing Ying inadvertently pulled out the short sword still in Gu Yu’s heart. Blood spurted out again, drenching her head. Tears and blood mingled, making it impossible for Qing Ying to distinguish between her tears and her master's blood.

Seeing her reaction, Gu Yu was very satisfied. Though deceitful, it was to survive. Without tricking his disciple, he might really be killed. And he wasn’t lying. In the original story, without him, his disciples wouldn’t have grown to oppose the main female lead. He unlocked their potential, making them top contenders. They became as strong as the protagonist in a few years.

Gu Yu’s four disciples were also protagonists, just antagonistic ones.

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