第3話 "Kill me! You want to kill me!!"

Hearing this, Qing Ying was instantly dumbfounded.

What was going on? Why didn't the demon Gu Yu get angry?

Could it be... Gu Yu realized she was doing this on purpose to protect her younger sister?

Just as Qing Ying was confused, Gu Yu spoke in a very gentle voice.

"Ying'er, you're doing this to protect Yue'er, aren't you? How clever."

"You're willing to sacrifice yourself for your younger sister."

As soon as Gu Yu finished speaking, Qing Ying's eyes widened and she shouted at Gu Yu with a soft but furious voice.

"Don't call me Ying'er! Disgusting!"

"You demon! Scum! Nuisance!"

"What do you plan to do to my little sister now?! If you have the guts, come at me!"

"Don't you love pulling my hair? Don't you love smashing my head against the wall? Come on! Come at me!"

Shouting, Qing Ying couldn't help but cry again, breathing heavily.

She didn't expect Gu Yu to realize her true intentions!

Damn it! Why? Why did Gu Yu figure it out!!

For years, he hadn't noticed!

Wasn't he the kind of evil cultivator who got angry easily? Why did he suddenly become so calm and cunning!

Seeing Qing Ying's reaction, Gu Yu was also surprised.

He didn't expect that just a few words from him would provoke such a strong reaction from his obedient disciple.

But it was understandable.

After all, he had tormented her for ten whole years...

Thinking about this, Gu Yu sighed helplessly and then smiled gently at Qing Ying.

"Ying... Qing Ying, no need to be so agitated. From now on... I won't torment you anymore."

"I won't torment your three younger sisters either. Rest assured... from now on, we'll live well together."

"I will fulfill my duty as a master, just as I did in the beginning."

Gu Yu's tone was very gentle. However, after hearing his words, Qing Ying immediately released Liu Wanyue and activated her spiritual energy, attacking him.

"Demon! Scum! You're trying to deceive me again!! Scum! Scum! Scum!!"

Qing Ying knew that her attacks were useless against her master.

She was only at the late Foundation Establishment stage, while he was already at the Nascent Soul stage, above the Golden Core!

She didn't know his exact cultivation level.

The gap between the Foundation Establishment and Nascent Soul stages was immense!

But even so, Qing Ying wanted to attack Gu Yu!!

Because this damned demon had mentioned memories she most wanted to forget!

He had hit the most tender part of her heart!

Qing Ying was different from her three younger sisters.

Her three younger sisters had been tormented since they first became Gu Yu's disciples.

So, it was natural for them to hate Gu Yu.

But she was different.

As the senior sister, she had experienced two years of Gu Yu's extreme gentleness and care before he turned cruel.

It was these two years that made it impossible for her to hate Gu Yu like her younger sisters did.

Instead, she felt that Gu Yu had suddenly developed some kind of mental problem.

After all, he had transformed overnight from a gentle master to a terrifying one.

What else could it be but a mental issue?

She had once hoped Gu Yu could recover, but eventually, she realized that Gu Yu would never return to his old self!!

Just like now, Gu Yu said he wouldn't torment them anymore and would live well together. He had said this many times!!

Every time, they would relax after hearing this, only for him to suddenly erupt and torment them even more cruelly.

This kind of hope turning into despair was unbearable.

Her third younger sister even had a complete breakdown after the fifth time, not speaking for three months!

She had also attempted suicide several times.

If Qing Ying and her other two younger sisters hadn't persuaded her, their third sister would have died.

Now, Gu Yu was saying these words again!!

Gu Yu was truly detestable! Scum! Demon!!

Roaring in her heart, Qing Ying charged at Gu Yu, lifting her face to look at his handsome features, and threw a punch with her small fist.

In Qing Ying's mind, this punch wouldn't land on Gu Yu, as he would slap her away.

This had happened many times before.

Her attacks never landed on Gu Yu; he always sent her flying just before she could hit him.

Once, he had even sent her flying into a wall, breaking several ribs.

For a Foundation Establishment cultivator, such injuries would heal in days, even a day.

But she took over a month to recover due to a lack of medicine and resources.

Gu Yu only provided them with healing when their lives were truly in danger!

If they refused treatment, he would force it on them!

It was disgusting!

She wanted to smash her fists into Gu Yu's face endlessly.

But just as Qing Ying braced herself to be sent flying again.


A loud noise echoed around.

The entire sect leader's pavilion shook.

Qing Ying saw that her punch had actually landed on Gu Yu's face!

Though it didn't hurt him, this was something she had never managed before!

What was going on? Why didn't the demon Gu Yu send her flying!!

With her fist on Gu Yu's face, Qing Ying was stunned.

But Gu Yu continued to smile gently.

"Keep going. Why did you stop?"

"Letting off some steam is good."

"If you don't, you'll hurt yourself."

As he spoke, Gu Yu gently used his spiritual energy to heal Qing Ying's reddened fist.

He then took out a pale blue top-grade crystal short sword from his storage ring.

In the cultivation world, the grades of magical treasures and weapons were: lower, middle, upper, top, and celestial.

Top-grade treasures were rare even in the most advanced regions, let alone in the Eastern Domain.

Celestial treasures were even rarer.

The last celestial treasure appeared three thousand years ago.

Of course, celestial treasures would soon appear in the cultivation world again.

Because of a protagonist-like female lead. With her, even the rarest treasures would be like wild herbs by the roadside, easily picked.

Though Gu Yu was very powerful with a strong physical body, if he willingly removed all defenses, active and passive, he could be harmed by a top-grade weapon.

Even a late Foundation Establishment cultivator like Qing Ying could hurt him with that sword.

Not like now, where her punch only hurt herself.

Seeing the silver short sword, Qing Ying immediately retracted her right hand in shock.

She thought Gu Yu was going to kill her!!

Why else would he take out a blue crystal sword?

Fear surged in her heart.

She didn't want to die!

Not because of anything else, but because if she died, there would be no one to care for her younger sisters!

But she couldn't beg for mercy either.

She could only widen her eyes in fear and shout.

"Kill me! You want to kill me!!"

"Come on! Kill me!!"

"Come on!!"

Shouting, Qing Ying's body trembled violently.

Though she said she wasn't afraid, she was terrified of dying.

She could only hope Gu Yu was trying to scare her, not kill her.

If he really wanted to kill them, they would have died long ago.

There was no way they could still be alive.

It was impossible!

But, to Qing Ying's surprise once again.

She clearly saw Gu Yu smile and throw the blue crystal top-grade short sword in front of her.

Throwing the sword, Gu Yu completely removed his defenses, spread his arms slightly, and spoke gently.

"Qing Ying, come on... Don't you want to kill me?"

"Take the sword and attack me."

Gu Yu, though a reincarnated person, after fully merging his memories, genuinely wanted to atone.

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