第2話 Such treasures are incredibly valuable

To improve enrollment rates, schools provide three meals a day to students, a benefit granted by the empire.

Those who awaken their spiritual veins would proceed to intermediate academies, continuing their studies and progressing through various levels of selection, ultimately becoming omnipotent cultivators.

Today was the day for entering the primary school. Early in the morning, Lin Xiao’s father took him to the best primary school in Salt City to queue up. Despite arriving early, the popularity of the school meant that the place was already crowded.

At this moment, several middle-aged men and women appeared at the school gate. One of them cleared his throat and said loudly, “Please be quiet. I am Feng Zikai, the principal of Salt City’s First Primary Academy. We are pleased that you trust in our teaching quality and have come to enroll in our school. However, due to limited capacity, we cannot accept all students, so we have to add a physical fitness assessment. We ask for your understanding. Our teachers will use an array to assess each student’s physical condition. Please cooperate and participate in an orderly manner.”

Although the principal’s voice was not loud, it sounded as if he were speaking right next to everyone’s ear, demonstrating the charm of a cultivator.

Lin Xiao looked at the principal, imagining how he would show off once he became a cultivator. After all, in his previous life, he had only read about such things in novels, not experienced them firsthand. If his dorm mates from his previous life knew about this, they would be green with envy. But his parents in his past life would probably be worried, not knowing if he was dead or alive.

Three hours later, it was finally Lin Xiao’s turn. A female teacher with long hair and an impressive demeanor walked up to him and asked, “Little one, what’s your name?”

“Lin Xiao,” he replied.

“Okay, Lin Xiao, please step forward and stand in the center of the array. Follow my instructions,” the teacher said.

Lin Xiao walked slowly to the center of the array. It looked more like a giant machine, with various protrusions resembling control panels around it and a helmet above. It was the first time Lin Xiao had seen such a thing, and he was curious about its function.

The teacher’s voice came again, “Please place your hands on each of the stone platforms for a count of five, then stand under the helmet.”

Following her instructions, Lin Xiao placed his hands on the stone platforms. The smooth, mirror-like surface displayed “Bone Age: Three years and 50 days.”

Next, he placed his hands on the second platform, which showed “Physical Strength: 43, Bone Density: 39.”

Finally, he stood under the helmet, and the display showed “Mental Power: 108.”

There was a gasp from the crowd, “This child has incredibly high mental power, even higher than some adults! The other two scores aren’t low either. Which family’s child is this? He’s sure to get into the best class!”

Lin Xiao’s father felt a surge of pride upon hearing the crowd’s discussions. The herbs he had painstakingly gathered over the past three years had worked. However, he didn’t know that while the herbs slightly improved Lin Xiao’s physical condition, his high mental power was entirely due to his previous life as an adult, making his mental power naturally strong.

Lin Xiao exited the array, hearing the crowd’s chatter and noticing the astonished look in the teacher’s eyes. He suddenly felt a chill, worried that his mental power might expose him as a transmigrator.

The commotion also caught Principal Feng Zikai’s attention. He walked over, patted Lin Xiao’s head, and said softly, “Please go through the array again. We need to confirm the results.”

The female teacher who had just conducted the test tried to speak, but Feng Zikai interrupted, “No need to explain. I’ll handle this child’s test. You wait here.”

Feng Zikai then pressed his hand on the display, seemingly inputting something.

Lin Xiao repeated the test, and the display showed “Bone Age: Three years and 50 days, Physical Strength: 43, Bone Density: 39, Mental Power: 54.”

“Record it,” Feng Zikai instructed the teacher.

“Okay,” she replied.

“I thought so. How could a child have such high mental power? There must have been an error with the array,” the crowd murmured.

Lin Xiao looked at his results, unsure if they were his true scores or if the principal had hidden his actual data. Nevertheless, the scores were still excellent.

After the test, Lin Xiao and his father returned to their teahouse to rest. The results would be announced the next morning. If he passed, he could enroll. If not, he could take his test scores to other schools. This process was somewhat similar to applying for colleges on Earth, except there was no Zhang Xuefeng, and there was no worry about not getting into a school, just that the teaching quality might be lower.

Meanwhile, in the principal’s office of the First Primary Academy, Feng Zikai was discussing with a few school directors. “Today, a child named Lin Xiao had test results of three years and 50 days old, Physical Strength 43, Bone Density 39, and Mental Power 108. I adjusted the array to show his mental power as 54. What do you think of this child?”

The director of education said, “High mental power increases the probability of awakening spiritual veins, and his cultivation talent would naturally be high. We might have a genius in our school. However, such high mental power in a child who hasn’t cultivated is unheard of. Could he be possessed?”

“It’s unlikely. Very few people know the method of possession now, and even if they did, they wouldn’t choose a child,” Feng Zikai replied.

“Could it be that he consumed some rare treasure that significantly boosted his mental power? Such treasures are incredibly valuable,” the logistics director suggested.

“It’s also possible that he has a natural mutation of mental power. I read in an ancient text that there is a tiny chance of such mutations, similar to spiritual vein mutations. Those with such mutations have much higher mental power than ordinary people and are certain to awaken their spiritual veins, with post-awakening cultivation speeds that others can only dream of,” the array director said.

“Regardless, let’s enroll him and observe. As long as we rule out the worst-case scenario, we might have a promising student to send to the intermediate academy in three years. If it’s possession, we can handle him with our combined strength,” the director of education concluded.

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