第2話 Once upon a time...

Qin Sa smiled and picked up the bowl of chicken soup Old Tree had served him, drinking it eagerly.

Gulp, gulp~

He quickly finished the entire bowl, licking the remnants from his lips, his face beaming with happiness. A slight flush replaced the pallor of his cheeks, making him look healthier. "This is so good, Grandpa Tree!"

Qin Sa praised him with a smile, his innocent expression warm like the spring sun, radiating happiness.

"Hahaha, if it's good, have some more. There's plenty," Old Tree said lovingly, his eyes filled with affection. From the moment he took Qin Sa in, he had treated him like his own grandson. When the demon tribe invaded the county, Old Tree's children and grandchildren had perished, just as Qin Sa's entire family had. Thus, Old Tree took in Qin Sa, treating him as his own.

"Mm~ Grandpa Tree, you should drink some too, or the soup will get cold and not taste as good."

As he spoke, Old Tree served Qin Sa another bowl of hot chicken soup, and Qin Sa eagerly took it with both hands.

"Alright, alright, Grandpa will drink too," Old Tree said, patting Qin Sa's head with a smile before serving himself a bowl.

The scene was incredibly warm and cozy, especially in the cold winter. Despite the snow falling outside and covering the ground, the atmosphere inside was filled with warmth and love.

"Ah~ I'm so full," Qin Sa said, patting his now full belly with a happy smile. Drinking chicken soup in the cold winter was the ultimate happiness. "Hahaha, it's good to be full. Let Grandpa clean up," Old Tree said, satisfied as he looked at Qin Sa. As he started to clean up the dishes, Qin Sa stopped him.

"Let me do it, Grandpa Tree," Qin Sa said, smiling and taking the dishes to clean them himself. He took them to the small stream outside the house and washed them thoroughly.

"This kid," Old Tree said, smiling as he watched Qin Sa outside. Anyone would be happy to have such a considerate grandson.

A little while later...

"I'm back, Grandpa Tree," Qin Sa said as he brought the cleaned dishes inside, placing them in a basket to be used the next day.

"Put them away and come here. Grandpa will tell you a story," Old Tree said, walking to the bedside with his cane and gesturing for Qin Sa to lie down. He then took a book from a nearby cabinet.

"Okay, Grandpa Tree," Qin Sa said, quickly lying down with a smile.

"Alright, Grandpa will start now. Once upon a time..."

Old Tree patiently read the story, gently stroking Qin Sa's head as he drifted into sleep.

"Grandpa, what is it like outside the mountains?" Qin Sa suddenly asked in his sleep, surprising Old Tree, who had been about to go to bed.

As the night deepened, everyone in the village fell into a peaceful slumber.

A faint blue light briefly flickered from the dragon-shaped jade pendant around Qin Sa's neck before disappearing.

In the early winter morning, the world outside was still shrouded in the thin veil of night. When Qin Sa awoke, the sun had just begun to rise over the distant mountains, like a painting gently brushed by a skilled artist. The beauty outside brought a serene smile to Qin Sa's face, easing his worries.

"Has the village chief woken up?" a deep voice called from outside the house, waking Old Tree from his sleep.

"Grandpa Tree, I'll get the door," Qin Sa said, smiling at the still drowsy Old Tree. He quickly got up to open the door, while Old Tree also rose from his warm bed, hurriedly putting on his thick clothes.


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