第10話 "Go to hell."

Ruirui, the cat, the insects are almost gone, fleas crawling out of it are everywhere, it was a little too late when I found it, I didn't think it through.

While no one was at home, I washed everything that could be washed, bought a special insecticide, and sprayed it randomly.

I threw Ruirui at the door, put food and water on it, and didn't care about it. Occasionally I came out to check on it, and it squatted next to the carpet obediently.

When I was almost done cleaning up and went out to rest, I found a little white cat from nowhere, not pure, with a little tabby color, eating Ruirui's minced meat in big mouthfuls. Ruirui heard the sound, turned his head, and looked at me with watery eyes.

The cry was weak, and it was useless.


The cat ate it blatantly, without fear, and shouted at me fiercely. When I tried to catch it, it scratched me and breathed.

At least it was a very healthy kitten, and it was also vigilant.

I thought about it and simply took them all home.

If we don't get along well later, just throw it away. At that time, this cat will have a better ability to survive.


He actually sent a message, complaining that I didn't look for him and didn't care about him.

I can't keep up with the scumbag's train of thought.

I was too lazy to care, and I had a mentality of watching the fun, so I endured the nausea and flipped through the chat history.

The door was suddenly opened rudely, and Yu Yu was pushed in. The mother said anxiously: "Please help take care of him, I'll go pick up your father. Your sister-in-law is still confronting that person in the hospital."


Yu Yu's face and arms were bruised. Even though I didn't like him very much, I still felt distressed.

"Okay, I'll watch, you go quickly." I pulled Yu Yu over and asked, "What happened, does it hurt? Come, I have candy here."

Yu Yu's eyes were sparkling, and he looked very happy. He held Ultraman and rushed over to share. Seeing this, the mother hurried away.

He said that it was the bad guy who hit him, but he had already told Ultraman that they would help him defeat the bad monster when they recovered their energy. He also demonstrated Ultraman's fighting moves to me.

He first hit his hands, then crossed his hands and clenched his fists, and then kicked after punching. He had his moves and styles, and he even called out the names of his moves.

Hitting a child? I frowned, and was subtly amused by Yu Yu.


The phone started to vibrate, I took a look, and hung up the silent call.

He sent me messages and voice messages frantically, and I didn't know what he wanted to confirm from me.

At this time, I was accompanying Yu Yu to draw, and blocked him.

Yu Yu started to draw words. I didn't think it was good. He was already in the middle class. Would this kind of copying words affect his future learning of words?

I wanted to teach him, but he was still drawing as usual, ignoring my drawings, and only asked me if I wrote well.

I said yes, it's great, but I can teach you to write better, the kindergarten teacher will definitely praise you and give you a little red flower, look at this...

He continued to draw, impatiently said: "Go to hell."

I was stunned for a moment.

"That's not a polite thing to say." I said, "You..."

Yuyu waved his arm, and the tip of the pen poked at me. I subconsciously leaned back and blocked it with my arm, and my arm felt a sharp pain.

Yuyu said: "Go to hell."

I simply cleaned the wound, and after trying to replace the gel pen in his hand with a crayon to no avail, I stopped caring about him and picked up the phone.

Yuyu finally found the two cats. Ruirui was weak and often slept. The new one was not, and he could make a big fuss. But I had no time to take care of it.

He asked me to wait.

The defense line in my heart was forcefully pried open by Yuyu, and a bloody corner was opened. This scumbag knows how to choose the right time to sprinkle salt.

All the strength in my body was inexplicably removed. I sat there in a daze, even though I knew in my heart that I should pull Yu Yu back. At least I should watch him and not bully my cat.

Until the cat's sharp cry woke me up, Yu Yu was crying and about to throw something into the box.

I rushed over and pushed Yu Yu to stagger, and immediately reacted to support him, suppressing my irritability and coaxing him as much as possible.

There was a bloody wound on his hand, but it didn't look deep. I half coaxed and half threatened him to go back to the room. I saw two little guys huddled in the corner with the little white flower standing in front of Rui Rui, shaking with his fur.

My eyes were a little dry.

I was really thinking, anyway, Yu Yu also had injuries on his body, and I shouldn't be discovered if I add a little more, right?

But he would complain.

I couldn't help it, pulled him over, and bit him hard again. He was stunned and cried for a while.

I lied to him and said, kittens are poisonous, did you bully them just now? If I don't bite you, you will turn into a cat in a while! Yu Yu was half-believing and half-doubting with tears in his eyes, but he was vague for a long time. In the end, I fooled him and I felt much better.

I checked the tooth mark and found that it was just slightly blue. I felt at ease and dragged him to the living room, locked my door, and disinfected him forcibly. Then I sat on the sofa and watched him cry slowly.

I don't know what sad things he remembered again. He cried so hard that he vomited and sat on the ground with tears.

It can't be because I didn't let him watch TV.

But he really couldn't cry anymore. I picked up his Ultraman card.

He immediately got up and rushed over to grab it. He hit me randomly with his hands and cried: "This is mine, mine, put it down, don't take it! You are stinky dog ​​shit and stinky socks, you want to die!"

The language of cursing is very poor, but he can think of the most vicious words.

I held him with a smile, although it was a bit difficult, he was quite strong, but still pretended to be easy: "Do you think I dare not hit you? I tell you, grandma is not at home, no one protects you."

He slowly stopped crying, howled dryly, and struggled harder.

Okay. Just give me another piece of candy.


Candy is really a good medicine. So I regretted and took one back to try it.

In fact, I don't like to eat candy, I find it greasy, but I just need something to improve my mood, and I'm too lazy to get it again. Well, I didn't expect him to be so protective of food.

Yuyu took back the candy, retreated to grandma's bedroom, and imitated me to lock the door, shouting that I wouldn't open it for you, and seemed to have broken something.

The door was knocked, and my ex-boyfriend's ghost-like questioning sounded outside.

A mess.


Mother is back.

My father pulled me into the room by my hair, and saw me sitting on the sofa. I broke free and slapped me in the face without saying a word: "Your father is not dead yet, why are you crying?"

My ears were buzzing, and I felt dizzy. When I came to my senses, I was already sitting on my bed with the door closed.

My mother's expression and eyes lingered in my mind over and over again.

I touched my face and went to see the cats.

They huddled together and slept. I looked at them, and they were disturbed by my sight. They opened their eyes and I gently touched them. My father transferred 200,000 yuan to me, and he and my mother got up early to buy vegetables at the market, and cooked a table of delicious food at noon.

My father is very good at cooking. It is said that when wedding banquets were held in the past, he would be specially invited to help.

I left the room, and my mother was watching TV with Yu Yu. There was an ointment for swelling on the cabinet. When she heard the noise, she looked over and said, "Go and eat quickly, it's made especially for you."

Yu Yu ate with oil dripping from his mouth and fiddled with toys.

I was silent, alone, and raised my chopsticks to the remaining delicacies on the table.


Now that I have money, I can take them to the pet hospital.

Ruirui's left eye is not good, it can't open well, and it has diarrhea. I gave it human medicine, and I was worried that it would die all day.

It's a good thing.

Little White Flower is in good spirits and bothers me every night. It's just right to arrange vaccinations to let it know that society is dangerous.


I think people need fresh air, and cats do the same, so I took Ruirui out.

But it was very scared, restlessly clinging to my arms, with its claws stretched out, hanging firmly on my clothes, meowing, and crying pitifully.

And I just held it tighter in my arms, constantly comforting, stroking, and gently calling its name, but my steps did not stop.

I even took it to the side of the road, listening to the roar of the car with it, feeling Ruirui drilling deep into the coat, and its sharp claws touching my skin.

I indulged it.

I enjoyed that moment, because I felt needed, and my existence had a little meaning.

Maybe I was broken, and it didn't matter.


Ruirui was too scared and didn't cooperate with the doctor. I hesitated and regretted it.

I comforted it for a long time, waiting for it to calm down and adapt to the environment. During this time, Xiaobaihua's vaccinations were completed. Xiaobaihua was healthy as expected.

But Ruirui was unexpectedly weak, and every word the doctor said was like a blunt knife grinding me. I thought I took good care of it.

I left Ruirui in the hospital.


I lay on the door and eavesdropped like a gecko. Xiaobaihua didn't know why, and turned around at my feet, looking at me curiously with his head tilted, and meowed.

I was suspicious, and I always felt that they were quietly belittling and cursing me.

But the sound outside was sticky, semi-solid, and penetrated through the crack of the door. Large pieces of it covered the world called sound.

I couldn't hear clearly. Or I don't want to hear it clearly.

I'm just avoiding it. I don't listen, ask, or care, pretending to know nothing, as if I am the white lotus that knows nothing and is not stained by mud.

I can't do anything. I'm a waste. A waste that everyone looks down on, but I refuse and am afraid that others will put this title on my head.

I sat on the ground, holding the little white flower in my arms, stroking its fur again and again, gently and mechanically, looking for comfort.

The phone vibrated with a buzzing sound, and an unfamiliar number appeared on the screen.


It is undeniable that in the hesitation before answering the phone, I had an unknown expectation, a kind of slim heart waiting for a miracle to favor me.

Can anyone let me talk, even if it's just to divert my attention.

So, when I heard that it was him, my heart suddenly broke and shattered in a bucket of ice. I could hear that he suppressed his temper and barely made up these pleasant words.

"Didn't we break up?" I don't know what he did today, but I know that his caring and loving skin has long been peeled off, and will never belong to me again.

The person who ran to my house in the middle of the night, despite the wind and snow, just to accompany me in the closest place when I was overwhelmed by negativity.

I don't know where he died.

But I still remember the pair of smiling eyes that looked at me through the window.

He sneered: "Who said that, you? You are quite capable, just notify me directly, right?" His tone softened again, "Don't believe everything you hear, and don't listen to explanations, they are all rumors."

I didn't say anything, and went to find the message records. After confirming that the genitals greeting the elders and the yin and yang sarcasm on the full screen were not my imagination, I asked: "Then what do the messages you sent mean?"

"I was impulsive. I was in a hurry because I cared about you, but you didn't believe me, and I was wronged and sad. If I didn't care about you, could I still say that? You are just too..."

My ears were full of absurd words.

I lowered my head and kissed the little white flower. At this point, I don't know what I want to say to him.

"I know. If you say yes, then yes. You are right. But we are broken up, and to be honest, your thing is too small, or you haven't erected yet? Sorry, I can't see clearly." I slowly pinched the cat's ears, and listened to the sudden stop on the other end of the phone, and my mood was inexplicably much better.

"Are you angry? No, brother, you are the most generous. Oh, do you remember that I have a brother? I told you that he has a bad temper. Listen, he is noisy again, there is no way, protecting his shortcomings is a problem."

There was a loud noise outside the door, something fell to the ground, I couldn't help but shiver, and the little white flower rushed out in fear.

"Well, why don't you go to Thailand. This way all problems will be solved!"

He hung up the phone.


Finally, it's going well.

Counting carefully, we have known each other, known each other, and loved each other for a total of five years.

So be it.

There are traces to this point, but I have been learning to be an ostrich, showing my usual indecisiveness and indifference.


Dad went out to travel. Mother continued to look after the children. I accidentally saw her silently wiping tears.

Her brown skin was slightly loose, her knuckles were thick, and the wrinkled paper in her hand looked even whiter. The redness of her eyes was not obvious, dark, and even less pitiful than that of the tissue.

But I could still shed tears, almost instantly, my eyes, nose, heart, were all sour and uncomfortable, and my throat was choked and painful.

My mother didn't notice me, I left quietly, went back to my room and cried intermittently for the whole afternoon.

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