第9話 "I shouldn't bully small animals."

"Teacher." The child squatting at the entrance of the village saw me and stood up awkwardly. He hid his muddy hands behind his back, but he couldn't stop the struggling tentacles of the thing.

I had to smile and said nothing, nodding in a reserved manner.

The child's face with mud spots looked even more uneasy. He unconsciously exerted force in his hands, and the unknown object he pinched screamed in pain.

I really wanted to pretend that I didn't see it and raised my foot to leave, but the child honestly didn't give me a chance: "I'm sorry, teacher, I was wrong." As he said this, he handed the gray thing to me.

This thing has a pair of very familiar eyes, which are at least 90% similar to my bun fillings, and are now filled with fear.

"I shouldn't bully small animals." The child lowered his head and said ashamedly, "They and I are all part of nature, and we should love them."

"It's okay, the teacher is very happy, you are a good child who can correct your mistakes. Do you know what animal this is?"

The child suddenly raised his head, like a believer forgiven by God, his eyes were fanatical and obsessed, burning my scalp: "It's Wuwu."

He regained his vitality and presented Wuwu to me like a treasure. I could clearly see that Wuwu's eyes were getting more and more terrified, and its tentacles were squirming wildly, but it was imprisoned in the child's palm.

It overlapped and separated with the child's eyes, and the rich emotions were sticky and heavy, and I felt dizzy and painful.

"Teacher?" The child stuck to me stickyly, and when he saw that I didn't respond, he strangely withdrew his hand.

I was able to breathe.

"It's dark. Teacher, come to my house for dinner? After dinner, I'll take the teacher home, okay?" The child's voice was tempting, and then he threw Wuwu in his hand and pulled the corner of my clothes without saying anything.

I had a splitting headache and followed the child in a daze.

The child kept talking excitedly and chattering along the way. My eyes were dark, and all my senses seemed to be wrapped in a thick curtain of water. I could only vaguely and forced to make appropriate movements.

"Teacher, goodbye."

The creaking sound of the door, accompanied by the child's farewell, suddenly broke free from the invisible bondage. When I came to my senses, cold sweat had soaked my clothes, and my body was so soft that I had to find support to avoid collapsing on the ground in embarrassment.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed the trembling of my heart and brain.

If what is happening now is regarded as a play... Obviously, this is not a warm and touching play.

"Mr. Junzi." Never force yourself to do something you don't understand. Based on this principle, I decided to shake someone, "Mr. Junzi?"

"Yeah." Mr. Junzi's voice appeared in my mind, "Have you been in trouble?"

His voice was a little surprised, as if he didn't understand why I got into trouble so quickly, and he was also a little excited to watch the fun.

"Will I die?" I didn't know where to start with all my doubts, and finally, I only asked one question.

"Your consciousness will not dissipate before I send you home." Mr. Junzi asked with concern, "Have you encountered anything that threatens your life?"

"I can't control my body." I had an unpleasant guess, "Or, this body doesn't belong to me. Am I like a parasite now?"

"Of course not. Maybe you just can't adapt to the environment, so there are some side effects." Mr. Junzi said, "I only reminded you to take things as they come, so your only rule is this one, and you don't need to worry about the rest." At the end of the words, his tone was full of doubts.

I knew it was futile to continue asking.

"Then does this bracelet have any special meaning?" I changed the subject.

"Guardian." Mr. Junzi explained, "This is the bracelet of the Bai family, used to protect the eldest children. But the bracelet disappeared after Bai Juanyun died."

My doubts increased instead of decreasing. Fortunately, these answers are actually irrelevant, and I happen to have a lot of free time to squander.

On the earthy yellow wall, a window was open alone, and the moonlight was bright and spread wantonly in this small house.

In the moonlight, I observed this house that nominally belonged to me.

A bed, a table, two benches, a wooden cabinet, and a small earthen stove in the corner were all my belongings. There were some scattered things that were dim, which seemed to have the breath of life.

I rubbed my temples and walked towards the bed tiredly.

The moment I brushed past the table, the oil lamp on it lit up.

Let's call the junction of the table legs and the tabletop the shoulder. To be honest, I have become numb to these weird scenes. When the flames jumped, apart from being frightened, most of them were helpless.

A kind of helplessness towards naughty children who invented new pranks, with funny tolerance.

What idea, I'm afraid my brain is broken.

Sighing, I pulled the bench over and sat on it, and wrapped the two chains that symbolized protection around my wrists.

It was the thing called Wuwu again, but this one was obviously much weaker, lying on the lamppost with a listless half-closed eyes, without the ability to shock people.

Its tentacles stretched to the root of the flame with difficulty, thin and hazy like a wisp of black smoke.

I poked its body wrapped around the lamppost, deliberately avoiding my eyes. It felt like cold snot.

Sorry, I disgusted myself.

I pulled my hand away decisively, walked towards the bed without looking back, and the fingers hanging by my side twisted involuntarily. The remaining touch was really not pleasant.

So I turned back, found a piece of paper, and threw it out of the window with my thumb and index finger - I remember there was nothing there except dirt, so I closed the window.

Go to sleep, I'm so tired. "Can I touch it?" Weisheng asked suddenly.

Of course he knew that such a private place should not be touched randomly, but it was obvious that Yuze had no other choice, and he had no confidence to refute it at all - that's right, before making this unreasonable request, Weisheng knew that he would definitely not refuse.

This was Weisheng's malice, and he was unscrupulous towards the weak.

Sure enough, Yuze hesitated for a moment, secretly observing Weisheng's expression, but he didn't dare to hesitate for too long, for fear of neglecting the only person who was willing to spend a little time to deal with him in these days, and forced a smile: "Of course. You are free."

The tail tone was trembling, and the corners of his eyes were forced to turn red, but he still lifted them up, opened his legs obediently, and his beautiful pupils were soaked in water.

Weisheng found his pain interesting, and touched him roughly, deliberately using a lot of force. Yuze couldn't bear it and bit his lips. After noticing Weisheng's sight, the corners of his mouth hurriedly revealed a far-fetched arc.

He wanted to live too much, Weisheng was his only hope now.

However, Weisheng's strength was too great. The place was originally sensitive and tender, and it was even more painful at this moment. The moisture in his eyes became thicker and thicker, and finally he couldn't bear it and fell down. Yuze was panicked and worried that Weisheng would spoil the fun, so he asked flatteringly: "Do you want to touch other places?"

"No." Weisheng withdrew his hand contentedly.

It was just a sales tactic, and he didn't take it seriously, although the experience was not bad.

"Don't leave." Yuze wiped his tears randomly, "I'm very cheap, as long as you have food and accommodation, everything else is up to you, I'm very good and very clean."

Weisheng smiled but didn't say anything, just waved his hand at him, as if to get rid of an annoying fly.

"Please, take me away." Yuze knew that there was little hope and was about to collapse, "I've been here for three days, and they didn't dare to take me away. I'm really hungry. Please, I don't want to be abused and tortured by them. Please take me away, please..." He didn't know how to beg, but he really had no choice.

Yuze couldn't keep smiling anymore, tears were falling. No one here could protect him, if the person in front of him didn't agree to take him away, he would really have no choice but to die.

"Can you touch it again?" Yuze grabbed Weisheng's hand in a panic, without feeling any resistance, and rekindled hope.

To be honest, it felt good, the person in front of him looked pretty and well-behaved, and she was crying pitifully, so other small troubles could be solved.

"Ah!" Yuze shuddered in pain, and subconsciously wanted to push the hand away, but when he saw the cold face with evaluation, he sipped his tears and spread his legs further apart, actively sticking closer to Weisheng to continue the violence.

Weisheng took back his hand, pinched his cheek, and inserted two fingers deep into his hot and wet throat, stirring wantonly, Yuze wanted to retch, and his chin was covered with saliva.

"Okay." Weisheng looked at him, as if he was picking cabbages in the market, and said slowly, "Good enough?"

Yuze nodded repeatedly, regardless of how uncomfortable the slender fingers in his mouth made him.

Weisheng finally pulled out his hand and wiped it on his cheek casually: "Then follow?"

Yuze was speechless for a moment and staggered to his feet. The place between his legs was pinched too hard just now, and he dared not close it, and followed with a weird posture.

Weisheng finally felt a little pity and took off his coat and put it on him: "No hurry."

The coat was long and loosely draped on Yuze's body. The hem was just above his knees. Yuze's pale face was buried in the collar, pitiful and bullied. The phone buzzed, I fumbled to get it in my hand, and opened my eyes hazily.

"Your dad won 10 million in the lottery."

I confirmed that it was a message from my mother. For a moment, I didn't have any emotions, just turned off the phone again and shrank back into the quilt.

In a moment, this sentence suddenly exploded in my heart, and I was bleeding.

My hands trembled and I opened my phone again, searched for relevant news, and found the official website. I don’t know who came up with the idea. In the photo of the report, the protagonist wore a hood, but I recognized his pot-bellied figure at a glance.

The emotions of hindsight rolled up my mind, and I sat there blankly, unable to help but imagine my future life.

"Come home for dinner on the weekend." Mother sent a message again, and at the same time, my brother's message also came: "Our dad won the lottery, and we will have a meal to celebrate on the weekend."

People die for money, and birds die for food. Of course I have to go and see it.


It is the most high-end hotel here, which is nothing more than using magnificent decorations to externalize people's vanity.

The wrinkles on Dad's face are very interesting, a kind of twisted stretch, and he threw the menu boldly: "Order whatever you want, order whatever you want."

Mother hugged Yuyu, gave the menu to her brother, and sat next to her brother, letting Yuyu order dishes together.

Finally, my brother handed me the menu: "See if there is anything else you want to eat?"

I looked at it casually, and it was enough to eat, it was just for show. I deliberately ordered a few more expensive ones.

"That's enough, eat first, and order more if you can't finish it." Mother said, crossing out what I ordered, looking at me with concern, and asked in a negotiating tone, "Okay?"

I smiled and nodded.

During the meal, my father announced a news that he bought a small villa and was renovating it. He hired a special person to design it, replaced all the furniture, and bought a new car.

He said proudly: "I also left a room for Nannan, so if she can't get married, she can't get married."

Mother smiled and nodded, carefully picking fish bones for Yuyu, Yuyu stood on the seat and reached out to grab the rice cake.

"Sit back. What a look." Brother said sternly.

Yuyu stared back without hesitation: "What a look."

"Say it again!" Brother's voice became terrifying.

"Hey, the child is young. Today is a good day, forget it." Mother tried to smooth things over and pulled Yu Yu down, "Sit down, look, Dad is angry."

Yu Yu sat back down, pouted, glanced at his brother with squinted eyes, and then sat back down as if nothing had happened, shouting to his mother: "I don't want to eat this!"

"Grandpa will pick this up for you to eat. This is a good thing, try it." Dad put a piece of turtle meat on Yu Yu's plate.

"No, no, I don't eat it." Yu Yu screamed and picked up the piece of meat and threw it in the middle of the table, "I don't eat it, I don't eat it, ugh!"

Dad's face turned pale, and every word he said was dirty.

I never put these words into my ears, I watched the fun leisurely, and took the opportunity to quickly pick up the food I liked to eat on the plate.

Sure enough.

The loud noise of breaking, the food falling all over the place, and the deafening sound of the door slamming after the roar, as if I were still at home.

At this time, my mother was like a puppet again, being pulled by a string, mechanically coaxing the frightened and crying child, watching the end game calmly and numbly, and the soul curled up deep inside was crying through her eyes.

I was too cheap, worried, and went home with my mother on the excuse that it was too late.

Dad drank and was drunk, but he boasted on his mobile phone and cursed his unfilial children and unvirtuous wife.

Dad fell on the bed like a slaughtered pig, and my mother served him with great effort, like a novice butcher. I watched coldly for a moment, then turned around to mix honey water.

I added some lemon juice leisurely, brought it to their room, and drank it slowly.

The sound insulation in the room was very poor, and my mother's voice seemed to have magic, waking me up from my dream.

Maybe I was not sleeping well, and I was waiting for something in my subconscious.

My brain was still in chaos, but I subconsciously held my breath and listened carefully, even though my five senses seemed to be separated by water and fog and couldn't hear clearly.

I moved off the bed and pressed my ear tightly against the door.

Familiar insults and beatings, my mother was hysterical, but she suppressed the sobs and curses in her throat.

I twisted my body against the door, feeling the body temperature slowly disappearing.

So far, I have never stepped out of this paper-like cage.

The news of winning the lottery still spread, and I was not surprised by this.

My familiar, familiar, or completely unfamiliar relatives and friends began to visit my house frequently, under the pretext of not seeing each other for a long time and keeping in touch. I also benefited from it and received a lot of hypocritical praise and smiles for no reason.

They asked my father about various ways to ask for money. It really opened my eyes.

The most interesting one is to talk about astronomy and geography, ancient and modern China and foreign countries, as if he knows everything. He only talks about feelings. Money is worthless. It is better to live as a working beggar. It is the most noble.

In the end, I reluctantly took the thing that my father despised from my father's hand. It was my father who gave it to me.

It is really interesting hahahahahahahaha.

I was too lazy to go home and had no money to stay in a hotel. When I was wandering around, I found a dirty and weak kitten in the grass near the trash can.

It was still folded ears, skinny, full of worms, lying there limply, disgusting.

I watched for a long time, watching it find me, meowing at me, and trying hard to get close, but I didn't even have the strength to please.

I kicked it over with my foot.

It seemed to have obtained some permission, and it exposed its belly, stared at me intently, and called out from time to time, thin and soft.

It makes people sick.

I left and went back, still looking at it, and it also looked at me.

It had no strength, and then quietly watched me leave and return, attached and longing, with particularly clean eyes.

I wanted to strangle it. It had no meaning to live, it was just suffering. I squatted beside it and cursed it.

The night wind was too cold. I went home with a bag.

I locked it in a box and sprayed it with insect repellent. It couldn't stop struggling outside the box, meowing.

I was very irritable, and I really wanted to choke its mouth with something.

Sure enough, I was soon discovered and I was judged by my parents.

I knelt on the floor next to the sofa, the door of the room was locked by me, and there were insults in my ears.

I kept smiling, and I could still distinguish its frightened cry from the loud noise of kicking the door. It soon disappeared.

My mother was soft-hearted after all. After she had scolded me enough, she turned to verbally attacking the cat: "This thing is so ugly, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, it's creepy, just like a traitor."

My father walked in front of me aggressively and kicked me backwards: "Get out, follow this damn cat."

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