


About “Arbitrariness”

Words are often used arbitrarily. Words have a tendency to be used arbitrarily when the person is intentional and the self is intentional. From the start, words cannot be used absolutely. Taking the word “I” as an example, since Takahashi, Tanaka, Kobayashi, and everyone else can use “I” to mean themself, “I” becomes a word that does not mean “I” from the perspective of another person. Similarly, the word “apple” does not mean which apple, even if we say “this apple” or “that apple”. In the same way as the usage of words is ambiguous, the physical phenomena side is also not absolutely stable. If we ask whether some desk and some other desk of the same kind are completely identical, then we can never say that they are completely identical due to them being in different situations. Although all of the laws of physics and grammar often lack individuality but instead have general meanings, strictly speaking, a word is a set of individual elements and generality is a property given to them as a group. Furthermore, in terms of physics, various laws of physics are determined from individual physical phenomena, and a singular physical phenomenon does not exist. That this kind of ambiguous situation occurs in language and also in physical phenomena originates from the situation derived from the equation 0=1.

Within the set of zero elements, the potential world, that is the world greater than 0 and less than 100, is the latent state, and the 1 world is the real state. Furthermore, if the world is perfectly zero, this is the same as the existence of God in metaphysics. Words cannot have meaning unless they are all used in a relative way, and similarly, physical phenomena themselves cannot produce regularity unless they act in a relative way. Although we often aim to pursue universality and generality both in language and in physical phenomena, since these are all a collection of individual phenomena and are broadly governed under physical phenomena the same as linguistic phenomena, which are contained in physical phenomena, if we ultimately unify all phenomena into physical phenomena, then all physical phenomena including linguistic phenomena are individual phenomena, and there is actually instability in laws that are common to these phenomena and the things called generality and universality. Thus, although the phenomena and their regularity that currently appears at the surface give the meaning within the real state, if we move back towards the potential world, the latent state may come to the surface next. This implies the existence of the zero element as a foundation that runs through all states in the latent states and real states.

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