第23話 事故物件
Accident property
Recently, more and more people are using love hotels instead of business hotels.
There is an older woman who gets a ride from a love hotel I am called to her almost every day.
The business hotels in front of the station are always fully booked, so she even pays for a round trip taxi fare to go to a love hotel far from the station.
Since she has given rides to my taxi so many times, we have begun to have casual conversations.
Suddenly she spoke.
"The house on the corner here. It's a property where an accident occurred."
"Oh, really?"
"Two men lived there, and they got into a fight and one of them was killed by the other.
I heard about it from another driver. What's more, that driver used to work in real estate, so he knew all about the situation, and apparently it's their duty to properly report properties where accidents have occurred, but if they do that, the property won't sell, so they use their employee's residence card to make it look like someone has lived there. That way they can create evidence that someone has lived there, and they can sell it as a property where an accident not occurred."
"So, when I told another driver about the murder, by coincidence, he had given the murdered person a ride before the incident. Apparently, that driver had been asking for advice. Apparently things weren't going well with the man he was living with. Apparently he had asked if they should stop living together."
"Really? So then, the person was killed by the man she was living with. That's scary."
"Really. It's a small world."
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