
第88話 守る人。」への応援コメント

  • 編集済




    ざまぁはあまり好きではないですが、パイプカットか去勢して復讐雌堕ちとかは面白そうだなぁとか思ったりしますはい( ◜ᴗ◝)

  • 編集済

    I'm glad the cultprit's mother has a conscience. I wonder if he will turn himself into the police to to get what's due. I also wonder if he told the whole truth of sexually harassing her and trying to force her into a physical relationsip as part of his threats. I think it would make a difference in understanding why Momo-nee was trying to get away from him so frantically and ended up the way she did.

    I am glad that Momo and Takuto have such great close friends as Shina and her parents. I admire them for taking action regarding the administrative things for work and school and financial responsability. I also admire them for carrying the burden of the disclosure so that the two can get back to a healthy recovery.

    Takuto can deal with the bad guy after Momo-nee is safe and he has recovered. I hope he can understand what Shina and her family were trying to do.


    Shiina is a very strong-hearted girl.
    I'm glad she understands that.
    As for what will happen from now on, Takuto and Momo will never be able to reach it without Shiina.
    Please continue to watch over the three of us as we support each other.