第11話 The eyes

Since the feast day, Jean has officially become Jahir's disciple. The villagers accept Jean and love him. The women watch over Jean as if he were their children. Now and then, some people give gifts, and for Jean, every day is a lot of fun. Even though Jahir's training is tough, Jean has no problem mastering it.

"Jean, the head of the village chief is calling!"

Abu calls out to Jean, who is practicing knife throwing with Saman.

"Yes, brother."

"Right now!"

"Oh, yes!"

Jean hurriedly tried to put the knife away, but Saman shook his head and quickly nodded to Abu.

"I'll take care of it, so you hurry up and go."

"Yes, thank you!"

Jean bowed his head and then ran to Abu. Saman laughed and looked at Jean, and he put away the knife.

"Did you do well?"

Sabadda asked Saman, and Saman sighed.

"Jean is better and has a higher probability of hitting the target."

"It seems like that kid has been throwing knives regularly since he was little."

Sabadda produced a throwing knife from the knife pouch on his hip and aimed it at the target. And when he threw the knife, he almost hit the target.

"I'll show you some tips. Holding it like this makes it easier to throw."

When Sabadda took the tip of the knife and threw it, it hit the target mark. Saman nodded, imitated him, and threw the knife. He missed out even though he wanted to.

"The most difficult thing is a moving target. I'm still not very good at it. I need to practice more."

Sabadda said again, and showing his example. Saman looked carefully and threw again. He hit it hard this time.

"At that time, Jean used the Peacock Star to throw the knife."

"Oh, yeah. Even the teacher couldn't believe it when he heard that."

"But if you throw it like that, the poison will hit your finger, right?"


"How do I keep myself from getting poisoned?"

"We have no choice but to train."

Sabadda threw the knife continuously. Those knives hit multiple targets.

"Does that mean that Jean has completed that training?"


Sabadda said as he nodded.

"However, poisons will continue to evolve. Various poisons will continue to emerge. New poisons may also emerge somewhere. We will learn this knowledge from now on."

Sabadda said as he walked toward the target. He then retrieved the knife he had thrown and put it in the knife pouch on his waist.

"Before using poison, let's use that knife properly."

"Yes, brother."

"I have to shave the sheep now. See you later."

"Yes, thank you!"

Saman said, and Sabadda smiled and shook his hand. He then headed towards Amir who called his name.

"Jean is here."

When Jean and Abu entered Jenal's tent, Jenal nodded and motioned for them to sit nearby. In front of Jenal are Jahir and Sabir.

"Abu, please wait outside."

Jahir said, and then Abu nodded and went outside.

"Ah, Grandpa Sabir."

When Jean said this, Sabir showed a big smile.

"Jean is my grandson."

Jenal said and Sabir laughed.

"I was the one who he called as Granpa first, right?"

"In terms of blood, Jean is my grandson."

When Jenal said this, Jean looked troubled.

"So sit here, Jean."

When Jenal said this, Jan looked at Jahir and then sat down obediently.

Because this is a command.

"What is your business, Grandpa Jenal?"

When Jean asked, Jenal smiled with a satisfied look on his face.

"Mr. Sabir, who is sitting over there, has something he would like to ask you."

When Jenal said that, Jean turned his attention to Sabir.

"Hey, Jean."

"Yes, Grandpa."

"Does anyone in your family have the same eye color as mine?"

Sabir asked, and Jean nodded.


Jean said and Sabir smiled. On the roof where they had first met in the street, Jean was very calm and did not seem surprised. It's because he's used to seeing a person who has the same eyes as him, Sabir thought.

"Who is that?"

"My third big brother."

"Oh. What's his name?"

Sabir asked, and Jean looked at Jenal and blinked.

"Good. The Efrad family is our family."


Jenal said, and Jean nodded, turning his gaze to Sabir again.

"Bestalik Prava."

"Oh. Anyone else?"

"My granddad's father. I once saw a picture on the wall of my parents' house. It was the same color."

"Who is the name?"

"I don't know."

Jean said, and Sabir smiled and nodded.

"You are my relative after all."

Sabir looks at Jean with a big smile.

"A relative?"

Jean asked, tilting his head.

"It's means family."

Jahir said and Jean tilted his head again.


Jean asked, Sabir looked at him and smiled. There are tears in his eyes.

"A long time ago, the descendants of a destroyed family continue to search for their relatives."

Sabir looked at Jean and smiled.

"One of Jean's ancestors was from the same family as mine. I can't help but be curious, seeing as you don't seem surprised at all when I look into your eyes."

Sabir wiped his tears with his sleeve.


Jean tilted his head.

"Does that color of eyes exist anywhere in the world? I just thought your eyes were the same color as my brother's eyes."

"However, this is not normal."

Sabir said.

"This eye color is characteristic of the eyes of the people of the north. Moreover, only the royal family has such a clear color."


"No other ethnic group has this eye color."

Sabir said with a smile, and Jenal looked unamused.

"However, Jean is the grandson of my cousin's cousin. In terms of blood relations, I am stronger than you."

"As for me..."

As the two began to argue, Jean tilted his head to the side.

“Then, my two grandfathers are here! Grandpa Jenal and Grandpa Sabir. I’m so happy!”

Jean smiled and Jenal and Sabir couldn't help but nod.

"But you are my grandson."

"Yes, that's correct."

Jenal said and Jean nodded.

"And you are also Jahir's disciple."

"Yes, indeed."

Jean nodded.

"But I’m also Grandpa Sabir’s grandson."


Sabir laughed heartily.

"I also want to participate in my grandson's education."

Sabir says and Jenal looks at him with a pout. No matter how much Sabir is Zahid's younger brother, if he picks a fight with Sabir, who has power and money, neither of them will be able to stay unscathed.

"Um, is that okay?"

Jahir said and Jenal nodded.

"Jean is my student, so please talk to me first about his education. What do you want to do and what kind of education do you want to give him?"

"What do you want to do..."

When Jahir said this, Sabir looked at him and thought.

"First, let’s start with the actual battle."

Sabir said and Jenal frowned at him.

"Jean is only four years old. He's too young."

"But he did kill those bandits. My henchmen investigated and found ten bodies not far from the village."

Sabir said, and Jenal thought about it.

"Hmm. Everyone died on Peacock Star, right?"

"Only four of the bandits died on Peacock Star. Most of the others were killed by throwing knives, and the other one was stabbed in the neck with a knife that pierced a vital point. As expected of my grandson."

Sabir said with a satisfied look on his face. Jenal looked at Jean and thought. If a kid can kill a bandit, he naturally has the skills to kill a sheep. That test was too easy for Jean, Jenal thought.

This child is not an ordinary one.

"When was the first time you killed someone, Jean?"

Jenal asked, and Jean thought about it.

“I think it was not long after I lived with my grandfather.”

"Who did you kill?"


Jean thought.

"He was someone I didn’t know at all."

Jean answered honestly.

"But he tried to kill us, so I killed him first."

"Was he an enemy soldier?"

"Maybe...the language was Ircandian, so he was probably an Ircandian soldier."

Jean answered.

"How did you find out that he tried to kill you?"

"Because I heard it."

"Heard what?"

"He was talking to a friend and he lost a bet, so he thought he was going to vent his frustrations. "

"He wanted to get rid of his sadness, then he chose to kill, right?"

"Maybe so...but my grandfather said they would attack a young woman in a nearby village, assault her, and then kill the family around her. The two of them have done the same thing before, my grandfather said."

When Jean answered, Jenal and the others were deep in thought.

They heard that there was a war going on, but it seemed that the Ircandian soldiers who were trying to control Archia were killing the Archians like insects. It is normal for the people of the losing country to be treated like this. Jenal and the others realize that it's no one's fault; in fact, it's Archian's fault for losing the war.

"Then how did you kill him?"

"Both of them?"


Sabir asked in a gentle voice.


Jean thought.

"I stabbed them with a dagger."

Everyone who heard Jean's answer looked grim. But then Sabir smiled. Jahir understands the meaning of that smile.

Sabir shows he wants Jean.

"Is it because the old man told you to stab them?"

"Yes, he did."

Jahir asked, and Jean nodded.

"Weren't you scared?"

"Hmm, I don't remember."

"I see...You're still not good at it. But you killed those two big men, didn't you?"

"I think it can't be helped that I'm not good at it. As for why those two died, it's probably because I applied Green Snake's poison to the dagger."

Poison again, Jahir thought. By using poison, he will be able to easily kill his opponent. However, there are many different types of green snakes, so it is difficult to determine which one it is.

"Are there many green snakes in Archia?"

"Yes, they are."

Jean nodded.

"Where do you procure that poison?"


"Prepare, be prepared."

Jahir said, and Jean thought again.

"Well, on my way there, we saw a green snake in the field, so we caught it. Then, the chamberlain extracted the poison from the snake's mouth."

"Did you just use that raw poison?"

"Yes, I did."

Jean nodded.

"I didn't intend to kill them. But when my grandfather heard their conversation, he got angry and told me what they meant."

"So you killed him?"

"Yes, I did."

Jean nodded.

"Do you know what war means?"

When Jenal asked, Jean thought again.

"Well, I've never been to a war, so I don't know. However, my grandfather taught me that war is a conflict of justice and righteousness."



Jean nodded.

"If the strong side wins, it will be justice. If they lose, then it will be evil. That's what my grandfather said."

Jean said, and their faces turned grim again.

"Do you understand the meaning of that word?"

Jenal asked, and Jean shook his head.

"I don’t understand."

Jean said honestly.

"But I won against them, so I think I was right."

"Your justice?"

Sabir asked curiously.

"Well, I think the person trying to kill us is the devil."

"I see."

Sabir nodded.

"It's not wrong..."

Sabir said as he nodded.

"But it's not right either."

Sabir said and Jean tilted his head to one side.

"Okay, Jean."

"Yes, Grandpa."

"The only people who say that war is a clash between your justice and their justice are the people on 'the front' side of the public.''


"That's right. Your grandfather, your granddad, your father, and the people around you probably all have public faces, so I said that."

"I don’t understand."

Jean said and Sabir smiled.

"You don't have to know now."

Sabir is looking straight at Jean.

"But one thing I can tell you is that you don't need a heart when you kill."


Jean tilted his head.

"Then let me ask you. What did you think when you killed the bandits who tried to kill Abu and Saman?"

"Hmm, I don't remember."

"That's right."


"You probably thought that you had to defeat as many bandits as possible before throwing a knife, right?"


Jean nodded.

"Then when you opened Abu's bag, you found that bottle of poison and used it a lot."

"Oh, yes."

Jean nodded. He opened the bottle that smelled of poison, filled it with a knife, and threw it towards the bandits.

"Was it no good?"

"I didn’t say that."

Jean asked, and Sabir shook his head.

"But even one drop of that poison is effective."

"Ah, I used too much."

Jean said and Sabir smiled.

"I'll apologize to Brother Abu later."

Jean said and they all shook their heads. You don't have to do that, they said.

"What I'm talking about is not poison. As I said earlier, the line that war is a clash of justice and righteousness is a common line used by the people on the front."

"Yes, Grandpa."

"However, true killing has nothing to do with right or wrong. What you will learn from now on is to kill people simply because of 'orders' and 'requests'. Clear things behind the scenes that cannot be cleared up on the front. This is what I mean by 'the back'."

Sabir says and Jean blinks at him.

"Don't you have to think about anything?"

"I'm not saying that. You have to think about how to kill your opponent, right? Also, if you don't think about how to prevent your opponent from attacking you, you'll just die in vain. There are other unnecessary things. You should do it after the killing is over."

"Hmm, I see."

Jean nodded.


Jean straightened his posture again.

"So, if the teacher orders it, I will do it."

"Would you like to become my disciple?"

"Sorry, I can't decide."

Jean shook his head.

"Teacher Jahir is now my teacher. If he says I can become Grandpa Sabir's disciple, I will."

When Jean answered honestly, Sabir smiled and nodded.

"Got it."

Sabir smiled and took out a sword from the bag he had brought with him.

Jean thought it was a sword with a curved shape.

"This is something I like. It's called Shamshir, and it's a half-moon sword. It's something I often used and trained when I was little."

Sabir pulled the sword from his sheath and showed it to Jean. It was being groomed, Jenal and the others thought. Good condition.

"I'll give this to you."

Sabir put his sword back into its sheath and handed it to Jean. Troubled, Jean holds the sword and looks up at Jenal.

"Take it out."

"Yes, Grandpa."

Although it was a smaller size than the average sword, the sword was about the same height as Jean. When Jean pulled out the sword in his hand, Sabir smiled.

"What do you think?"

"It's a beautiful sword."

“What do you think of the shape of that half-moon sword?”

"This is the first time I've seen it. It's different from the bandits' weapons."

Jean answered honestly. Then he put down the sword and revealed his dagger. The shape is completely different, he says.

"Please don't use your dagger for a while."

Jahir said and Jenal and Sabir nodded.


Jean looked at his dagger, put it in his sheath, and put it back on his hip.


"You'll be practicing throwing knives and using shamshir for a while."

Jahir said, and Jean blinked and silently sheathed his sword.


Jean held the sword in both hands and nodded.

"Thank you, Grandpa Sabir."

"Hahaha, good luck, Jean!"


Jean nodded.

"That's right. I'll give this to you, too."

When Sabir handed him a bag of grapes, a big smile appeared on Jean's face.

"Thank you!"

"Hahaha. Until we meet again, learn to use that sword well."

"Yes, I'll do my best."

Sabir smiled and nodded. Jenal nodded and signaled Jahir, who nodded.

"Jean, you can go back now. Eat the grapes with the others."

"Yes, Sir."

"Ask Abu how to use that sword."

Jean stood up and nodded. After politely greeting Jenal and Sabir, he went outside and headed to where Saman was waiting with Abu, who had been waiting outside.

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