第10話 The final test

"I'm back."

Jahir came back and appeared in front of Jenal and greeted him. Jenal nodded and motioned for him to sit down. Jahir nodded and sat down in front of Jenal, holding out the bag he had brought.

When Jahir says it's from Sabir Efrad, Jenal opens the bag with interest. Inside were fresh grapes.

"How was it?"

Jenal sat down and picked some fresh grapes. Delicious, he thought.

"As the old man said, he's been trained."

"Oh really."

"But, it's not finished yet..."

Jahir silently bowed his head to Jenal's wife, who served him tea. Jenal's wife walked out without saying a word.

"I see."

Jenal picked another grape and nodded.

"Sabil Efrad seems to have shown an interest in that boy."

"Yes, he does."

Jahir nodded.

"We only have two years to complete that child. Can you do it?"

"I'll try it and see."

"If necessary, we can involve the Efrad family, but what do you think?"

"I don't think that's necessary at this point."


Jenal nodded.

"But I think he won't give up."


Jahir thought after hearing Jenal's words.

"Perhaps because the child was so attached to him, we can not stop him. For the child, he spoiled him with seven camels of clothes, grapes, and dates. In the end, he ended up calling him  'Grandpa'...''


Jenal laughed heartily.

"In that case, you can take Jean and see him sometimes. It's only been two years, so make sure he doesn't have any regrets."


Jahir nodded.

"So why would Sabil Efrad be interested? Isn't he just cute?"

Jenal said with a laugh, and Jahir nodded. He then reported what had happened to Jenal without concealing it. Finally, he asked about the "Peacock Star", and Jenal laughed heartily.

"I see."

Jenal drank her tea and smiled at him.

“As expected of my grandson.”

Jenal said and Jahir just nodded.

"That child's grandfather is my cousin's cousin, but even though we are distantly related, I don't know if we are connected somewhere else. However, the blood of this country still flows into that child's body who was born in a faraway country. That's the best proof. It's like my blood."

Jenal smiled.

"From now on, I'll call that child my grandson."

"I'll tell him that."

Jahir nodded.

"That Sabil guy. He saw through that and tried to make it him."

"Hmm, what to say..."

After Jahir drank his tea, he said,

"He's from a foreign country, so he's certainly rare. His skin is bright and his face is cute. He can speak not only the language of Urda, but also the languages of many other countries, so I think he's quite intelligent."


Jenal looks at Jahir with interest.

"But more than that, he has an immunity to poison. He was able to touch even the most poisonous snakes in the desert, not just one species."

"Huh. Does Sabil know about that?"

"Yes, he did."

Jahir nodded.

"I confirmed this with Asa's snake charmer in Ograt Village."

"Did you take that child with you?"


"With Sabil?"

"Yes, I had no choice."

Jenal thought about it after hearing Jahir's answer.

"He was attached to Jean from morning till night every day.''

"I don't like it even more. That child is my grandson."

Jahir smiled bitterly when he heard Jenal's words. Then he took another sip of tea and nodded.

"There is one thing I would like to confirm."


"I saw Jean jump from the top of a date palm tree in Ograt Village.''


"Then, that afternoon, I was called by Mr. Sabir and he asked about 

the possibility of whether Jean's parents were descendants of the northern people or not.''

"People from the north...I don't know about that."

Jenal shook his head.

"...Because it was about a family that died out 200 years ago, right?"

"Yes, I think so."

Jahir said, and Jenal thought about it.

“Did Sabil Efrad ask you that?”

"Yes, he did."

“What did you say?”

"I just replied, 'I don't know'. Besides, it was a long time ago, and it's a faraway country, so there's no way to confirm."

"That's right."

Jenal nodded.

"However, Mr. Sabil said that Jean can control the wind. He's just like the people of the north."


Jenal mused. Jean is only 4 years old, so even if they asked him, he probably wouldn't understand.

"If that's the case, that's great for him as an assassin. But even if not, that's fine."

Jenal picked the grapes again and said, thinking.

"Yes. Besides, it happened a long time ago, so what's the point of looking into it now?"

Jahir also said in a low voice after drinking tea.

"But he probably sees that boy differently."

"I think so."

"Do you know why?"

Jenal asked and Jahir shook his head.

"Sorry, I don't understand."

Jahir answered honestly.

"Sabil's ancestors on his mother's side were from the north a long time ago."

Jenal said as he pinched the grapes again.

“Are Mr. Sabil and Mr. Zahid half-brothers?”


Jahir asked, and Jenal nodded. Zahid is Abu's father's name.

"However, they are good friends. Well, that's partly because they are from the same Efrad family, but to put it simply, despite being half-brothers, Zahid took good care of Sabir. Zahid inherited the family business and stayed in this village. Sabir went on a journey for a while and then went to the village of Ograt and informed us that he was going to set up a shop there. With Zahid's support, he was successful in his business.''

Jahir recalled that his first impression was that Zahid Efrad was a very gentle person with a big-hearted personality. However, he is a skilled assassin. He's still working somewhere, Jahir thought. Zahid has three wives, but the first wife is older than Zahid and after giving birth to three children, she took a second wife and a third wife for her husband. She left the care of his husband to them. Jahir remembers hearing someone say that the first wife seemed to be busy taking care of her husband's treasure, livestock, and house. As a result, the second and third wives are busy taking care of their children. Jahir thought that Zahid was such an energetic man that he returned to the village about once every two years and each time he had a new child born. Abu was the second wife's child, and when he was 10 years old, he became Jahir's apprentice and ended up living with Amir and his friends. There are several brothers and sisters under Abu. And the number will continue to increase, Jahir thought.

In many ways, the Efrad family is troublesome, Jahir said, nodding as he took another sip of tea.

"Ograt Village will soon become a town."

"Huh? Has it gotten that big?"

"Yes, it is."

Jahir nodded.

"If Ograt Village becomes a town, the trade will become even more active."

"I agree."

"And there are more and more bandits."

"Yes, indeed."

Jahir nodded.

"I'll talk to Safid later. We also need to think about measures to take when the village moves."


Safid is Sabadda's older brother. He was trained as an assassin but took on a front job. Public work means work such as security guard or bodyguard.

"Well, before that, it's the last exam."

Jenal said after drinking tea.

"Let's have a feast today. I'll leave the handling of the sheep to Jean. If he can kill it, we'll start educating him as planned."


Jahir nodded, stood up, bowed his head, and walked outside.

While Jahir prepares for the feast with the other villagers, Jenal tastes grapes and thinks.

He thought that if there was a large oasis like the village of Ograt, they would be able to plant fresh grapes like this. Date palms could grow without any problems, but when it comes to grapes, nothing can be done without water. Although there are several wells in this village, Jenal thought that they would need to consider a little more to start large-scale farming.

After a while, a villager informed Jenal that he was ready. The men in the village understand. If he can't kill a single sheep, he can't be an assassin. This is the law of Magraf Village, so there are no exceptions, even for children.

In other words, the men in the village will be the final arbiters of whether or not to train Jean as an assassin.

Jenal wrapped his favorite grapes in a bag and hung them around his waist. Then he took his sword and went outside. When Jenar is seen, the villagers become quiet and silently watch Jahir and Jean appear.

Seeing Jean, who is only 4 years old, the men in the village are unsure whether he will be able to kill the sheep. Some people even thought he was almost the same as a four-year-old child of them.

Most of the villagers then held their breath as Jean took the knife from Jahir. They wondered if they would be able to use a knife so large that it was more than half his body size.

However, with a calm face, Jean ended the sheep's life with one stroke.

The men of the village gasped when they saw the meaning of that action. This was the moment when the youngest assassin in the history of Magraf Village might be born.

While this is something to be extremely proud of, it is also extremely dangerous.

Moreover, the child is still young. Unlike them, who understand what they are doing, Jean is still young.

The question arose among them: did he understand what it meant to kill someone?

"Good job, Jean."

"Thank you, Sir."

Jahir said and Jean just nodded. The villagers watched them silently. Then Jenal stepped forward and smiled.

"Jean Prava."

"Yes, Sir."

Jean looked at Jenal and replied.

"From today, I accept you as Jahir Aslan's disciple. Train under him and do your best."

"I'll do my best."

When Jean bows his head, Jenal looks at him with satisfaction. Saman walked up to Jean and wordlessly pulled his hand out, forcing him to step back.

"Jean, let's wash your hands."

"Yes, brother."

Saman said and Jean nodded.

"There was blood on the clothes, too."

"You're not good at it yet. People who are good at it are so vivid that they don't spill a single drop of blood."

"Hmm, I see. I'll do my best then."


Saman laughed and poured water from a nearby well to clean Jean's hands and face.

"Take off your clothes too."

"Yes, brother."

"I'll teach you how to wash your clothes."

Jean did as he was told and took off his clothes. When the two women were seen washing clothes, the women rushed in and tried to help Jean, but Saman politely refused.

"This is the vice chief's order."

When Saman said this, the women looked at Jean with anxious faces.

“Maybe it was that ritual?”

An old woman asked, and Saman nodded.

"What is the result?"

"He has been judged to have passed."


When Saman said this, the girls looked at Jean with complicated eyes. However, when Jean laughed and showed them the clothes he had washed, they nodded. Then they took the clothes from Jean's hands and laughed.

"You're going to catch a cold, Jean."

"Ah, but I still have to wash the clothes..."

"Okay. Now that you're clean, you need to change your clothes. We'll do the laundry."

A woman picked him up and immediately headed to Jean's tent. Saman, who was left behind, just smiled bitterly. The girls wash Jean's clothes again, hang them out to dry, and look at the tiny clothes illuminated by the sunlight.

She said it was a beautiful cloth.

"It's silk."


When Saman says this, the girls look at the clothes with strange eyes.

"The first time I saw silk."

One of the girls says and Saman nods and looks at the tent. It's hard to get in now, he thought. Because the women are currently dressing Jean.

Jahir, who was watching from afar, also smiled bitterly. When several men inquired about Jean's information, Jahir revealed some information to them.

"Vice chief, I heard that that child is the head chief's grandson. Is that true?"

One man asked, and Jahir nodded.

"It's true. Even if they're distant relatives, he's the grandchild of a cousin's cousin on his mother's side, so he's his grandson."

“But they don’t look alike at all.”

When the man said this, Jahir couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sure he looks like his mother."

"Huh... then his mother must be beautiful."

When that man said this, several other men also nodded. They said, imagining that Jean's skin was bright and his face was cute, so Jahir was right, he must look like his mother.

"He is the youngest of seven children, three older brothers, and three older sisters.''

"Hmm...are his sisters still unmarried?"

"Maybe. Jean said they do embroidery and sewing every day, so they're probably still unmarried."

Jahir said, skinning his sheep. The surrounding villagers listened with interest as they worked.

"What is foreign embroidery and sewing like?"

"I don't know."

The men tilted their heads. In their culture, unmarried women routinely embroidered, sewed, and made cloth. After getting married, it is customary to take the clothes and decorate their new house with the clothes she made. However, Jahir does not know whether the customs of the country of Jean are the same as theirs.

"If his sister is still unmarried, I would like to court her..."

"Stop it."

Jahir shakes his head and looks straight at the man.

"He came from a very far country across the ocean. Besides, he has no way of contacting his family, and even if he misses his mother and siblings, he can't see them. They speak completely different languages. Jean has no problem with language. The reason for that is because he is smart. But I have no clue about his sisters. Also, even if you were there to court his sister, I doubt that you would be able to communicate with her. In the first place, even if you go to such a far place, you will not be able to go home so often, just like Jean's grandfather."

"Yeah, that’s a shame."

They sighed in disappointment.

"Also, I heard from Jean’s grandfather that there seems to be a war going on over there."



Jahir nodded.

"That's why the head chief took him in for a while."

“What about his parents?”

"It seems that his father died in the war before the child was born. His mother seems to be working hard in his husband's place."

"It’s tough."

As they said this, they cut pieces of meat one after another and put them into the basin. When the basin was full, another man took it, washed it, and carried it near the people who had already lit the fire. There, there were people with big pots. Place the meat in the pot and bring to a boil.

"If the mother was a widow, why didn't she remarry?"

"I don't know."

When someone nearby asked, Jahir shook his head.

"However, according to what he said, his mother is taking care of her late husband's parents, her parents, and the children. I think she is having a hard time as a single woman, but she is a fine person. So maybe she doesn't have time to think about remarriage."

"I see..."

Someone said that if he were nearby, he might propose marriage to Jean's mother. But Jahir just smiled.

"Jean was born as a Yatim, so we have to be kind to him."


A Yatim is a child who has lost his father. For the people of Urda, Yatim's children are poor and should be shown mercy. When the villagers heard this, they nodded and quickly finished their work. After finishing his work, Jahir turned his attention back to the tent, saw Jean surrounded by women in front of the tent, and smiled.

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