Emergency Doctor


To bring back life from the brink of death to this world.

This is my job now.

People gain the right to live from the moment when sperm and egg fertilize and cell division occurs.

But that is not necessarily guaranteed.

People sometimes have to close their lives for some reason.

Whether they want it or not, we have to keep their lives alive.

Even if their souls are already dead...

Hotline. The emergency call rings in the treatment room.

"Yes, jyoukanetu Emergency Medical Center"

17-year-old female.

Fell from the rooftop of a five-story building.

Head injury

Left upper arm fracture and left thigh laceration

Vital signs weak

JCS 300. No level of consciousness

Pupil reflex faintly present.

"Can you accept her?"

The information from the firefighter who told me from the emergency call was just that. But this information was much more detailed than the usual paramedics.

I felt nostalgic for his way of talking.

I immediately wrote the call content on the whiteboard. Seeing the board, I nodded.

"Yes, we can accept her."

"OK, actually I'm already on my way there, so please take care of her."

"Sigh?. Understood."

The staff on duty looked at the board and started preparing the equipment.

Around the operating table in the treatment room, equipment is always set up so that it can respond at any time. Depending on the situation, the necessary equipment and instruments are set up.

The siren of the ambulance reached my ears at the emergency patient entrance.

The ambulance stopped at the designated position and the rear hatch opened.

I was used to seeing this scene and its actions.

But at that moment, when I saw her doing CPR in the ambulance, I stiffened for a moment.

Blood was attached everywhere on her white shirt, and she straddled over the female patient, pressing her chest with both hands while putting her weight on it in that narrow car.

"I intubated her. She's been in cardiac arrest for two minutes. She hasn't recovered yet."

She said that and leaned over the patient at the same time as the stretcher was pulled out of the car.

They moved the stretcher next to the operating table and moved the patient to the operating table with "one, two, three".

They cut off the patient's blood-stained clothes with scissors, quickly attached terminal sensor terminals, and took a fluid line. The monitor immediately drew a waveform, and that distinctive sound "piroloroppiroloropp" sounded an abnormality.

Blood pressure drop. Brady.

The nurse who manages the monitor tells me.

I could tell that by looking at the scene where she was doing CPR in the ambulance. But it was fortunate that I wasn't told flat yet.

"Chest echo" I immediately dripped gel on her chest and slid a probe over her chest.

I carefully observed the monitor that was displayed.

The heart didn't seem to rupture, but somewhere I couldn't clearly identify, it was bleeding. I inserted a probe but couldn't identify it well. The bleeding was compressing the heart and it couldn't beat well.

"Open chest" Disinfectant iodine was applied to the patient's chest and with a voice of "scalpel", a scalpel was handed to my right hand by a nurse on my right side.

They opened the patient's chest while changing scalpels for skin, fat tissue, and fascia. The moment they cut open their chest, blood gushed out.

Another doctor wiped off the blood that overflowed with gauze. "Rib spreader" They handed me a rib spreader and attached it to where they cut open and widened the surgical field. Inside was a mass of blood.

"Blood pressure drop, heart rate increase"

"Fluid full open, additional order for blood transfusion"

"Yes" The nurse responded briskly with a reply.

She had been transported for 10 minutes already. The oxygen concentration is high but it's dangerous... I was concerned about brain damage.

They sucked out blood that had accumulated with a suction device and wiped off blood that overflowed with gauze. But the amount of bleeding was not normal.

The compression was released and the heart's movement began to recover, but there was a lot of blood loss. It didn't change that it wasn't out of danger. And I'm worried about head injury.

Falling from a building, head injury..., I hope that head injury is not fatal now.

Anyway, there is no time left for sure.

They gently inserted their hand into the affected area and concentrated their nerves on their fingers relying on faint pulse pressure.

At that moment, the automatic door of the treatment room opened and she came in wearing surgical clothes.

"How are you?" She looked into the surgical field and asked in a calm tone that hadn't changed from those days through her mask.

"Oh, heartbeat is somehow. But I haven't identified the bleeding position yet."

I replied while touching the trunk.

"I see" Her word made me realize that she was saying that she left it to me. And that she would join the battle anytime when there weren't enough hands...

"Hmm, the pupil reflex is dull. Prepare for head echo"

She seemed to have taken her position.

I glanced at her and conveyed that I left it to her.

Blood still overflowed with every pulse.

I felt a sensation faintly on my fingertips that palpated the trunk.

They stopped their hand at the part where they wiped off blood with gauze.

"There, I found it" I finally found the bleeding position.

First, to stop this bleeding, they ligated the blood vessel of the part.


A pean forceps was firmly handed to my right hand.

They ligated the blood vessel without damaging it and firmly with peans.

The peans made a clicking sound.

When they ligated the blood vessel, they soon heard the voice of "blood pressure returns" in their ears.

"Good" The voice leaked out involuntarily.

After that, they observed the area further, but it wasn't so much that they had to treat it urgently.

Deep pursuit is forbidden in emergency medicine.

First of all, to keep this life that is about to die alive is the highest priority. So I don't pursue deeply. To keep this girl's life alive...

"She was lucky, I guess. The place where she fell wasn't concrete. Well, I'm sure she took a lot of damage, but she didn't die instantly."

"Were you at the scene?"

"Hmm, by chance. I just happened to pass by. Before I came here."

Before you came here?

A question word came out but let's not pursue deeply now.

"The head seems fine. When you're done, send her to MRI, oh, and send me the data later."

She said that and left the treatment room.

They sutured the blood vessel and removed the pean and released the blood flow. There was no leak.

The vital signs also started to stabilize.

They temporarily managed with gauze packing, changed the girl to a stretcher, took MRI of her head and abdomen, X-ray of her left upper arm and left thigh, and left the treatment to a doctor waiting in the operating room.

After that, it would depend on her soul's power. No, maybe life force is determined by the power of soul and body.

I still don't know what that body's power is as a doctor...

"Huh" The floor with glass windows connecting Building 2 and 3. They sank their body into the sofa there.

It's hot summer, but my body is cold. Hot coffee seeps into my body.

"You were here"

She opened the transparent glass door of the floor and sank her body into the sofa next to me with hot coffee in one hand.

"You're still amazing at treating. Your arm didn't fall."

Her words felt soft and warm now, unlike the atmosphere in the treatment room earlier.

"When did you come to Japan?"


"It's been three years?"

"No, four years."

"I see, it's been that long. Why are you here?"

"The professor called me. And then you were there."

"By chance?"


She said that and just looked at the night city lights visible through the glass.

She never looked at me.

And I never looked at her face either.

"She seems calm. Her left shoulder was also mostly retired and only a simple fracture, and MRI didn't seem to have much severe damage. Although she was lucky to say that she jumped from the fifth floor, it will take time to recover."

"She jumped?"

"Yes, suicide "Rooftop suicide girl""

"I see..."

"People who waste their lives are unforgivable... still"


"And also yourself who couldn't save your sister..."

I couldn't answer anything else.

"There was nothing we could do then" She muttered and stood up.

"I'm going home today. See you tomorrow. I was going to say hello to the professor, but well, whatever."

She smiled brightly and on her chest nameplate

"Emergency Docter"

The same letters as me were written.

"Ritsuko" I called her name as if muttering, but she left without looking back.

 At that moment. My pager vibrated again.

 A new emergency patient was transported.

 My time to rest was still far away.


The copyright of this novel belongs to "Etuha Sakakihara さかき原枝都は".

Copying or resembling this novel is prohibited.

Click here for the original Japanese text

emergency doctor


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