Changed Points : Fifth Iteration

2024/1/23 Lines 1-2 of the first paragraph

Sariel loved chasing and catching small animals, sometimes releasing them and at other times, cooking and eating them.

Sariel enjoyed observing animals, and often, as a result, she would catch them.

2024/1/24 Lines 2-4 of the first paragraph

Based on her hunting and cooking experiences, Sariel believed without a doubt that there were unimaginably rare small animals living here and there, creating a scene where their presence added to the beauty.

But, Sariel believed that, in addition to the animals she had caught, there were small creatures of mythical existence.

2024/1/24 Lines 3-4 of the first paragraph

However, she wondered just how extensive the habitat of such small creatures really was.

However, for Sariel, who had never seen these creatures before, it was impossible to know where exactly these beings were inhabiting.

2024/1/24 Lines 5-6 of the first paragraph

Moreover, just how many seemingly unbelievable small animals are there within that habitat?

So, she searched through the books in the study and visited friends living nearby, asking if they knew anything, but I couldn't obtain any useful information.

2024/1/26 Lines 7-9 of the first paragraph

Sariel's eyes gleamed as she realized that she had to go and find out for herself. Sariel lifted the bag containing all the necessary tools for the journey while maintaining that high spirit.

Eager to do so, Sariel then decided to try and capture them in photographs, and she persuaded a friend to lend her a camera.

2024/1/26 Lines 10-11 of the second paragraph

Putting aside thoughts about home, Sariel took the first step that marked the beginning of the adventure.

Without thinking about what lies ahead, Sariel checked the condition of her shoes before walking towards the perilous forest.

2024/1/27 Lines 11-12 of the second paragraph

However, it didn't end with that single step; instead, she continued moving forward, step by step, one after another.

Having checked the comfort of her steps, Sariel, singing a tune under her breath, proceeded little by little, step by step, moving forward.

2024/1/29 Lines 13-15 of the second paragraph

With each step, the weight of the belongings Sariel carried seemed to gradually lighten, but it was because a small hole had unknowingly formed at the bottom of Sariel's bag.

Even when walking a long distance, Sariel could feel comfort was because of that.

2024/1/29 Line 14 of the second paragraph

Still, Sariel remained unaware of that fact.

Sariel didn't realize it until much later.

2024/1/29 Lines 14-17 of the second paragraph

The stems of the plants growing in the meadow grew taller and taller, making it increasingly difficult for Sariel to walk as the color of the soil, the natural color of the ground, became almost invisible, even when she walked looking down.

The stems of the plants growing on the ground were initially low, but gradually they began to obstruct Sariel's path. It was an area where not only humans but even animals seldom walked, so there was no way around it.

2024/1/30 Lines 17-18 of the second paragraph

And as Sariel approached the forest, the vibrant vitality of the diverse trees, clearly visible, brought tears to her eyes.

And Sariel gazed at the scenery visible in the distance.

2024/1/30 Lines 17-19 of the second paragraph

The forest, which had continued to grow in the harsh embrace of nature, looked mysterious even from the outside, and entering it would surely reveal even more mystical scenes.

Like trees standing resilient against the blowing wind, do small creatures also live robustly?

2024/2/1 Lines 20-21 of the third paragraph

In order to bring the envisioned scenery to her mind, Sariel gave herself a stern admonition.

To unveil their way of life, Sariel recalled a promise with her friends.

2024/2/3 Lines 20-23 of the third paragraph

Therefore, Sariel, having renewed her weakened determination, needed to possess even greater mental strength to encounter the unknown events that would undoubtedly become lifelong memories.

Therefore, Sariel needed to discover unknown small creatures at all costs.

2024/2/3 Lines 21-22 of the third paragraph

It was a demanding task, particularly challenging for the still-immature Sariel.

It was a challenge that seemed almost impossible.

2024/2/4 Lines 22-23 of the third paragraph

But, turning back would yield nothing, and standing still would only waste time, so the remaining choices are limited.

At least, if Sariel turn back now, there will be no more time wasted.

2024/2/7 Lines 23-24 of the third paragraph

However, Sariel never wavered in her choices. She knew the direction she should go.

However, Sariel did not change her own will. She did not doubt it.

2024/2/9 Line 25-26 of the fourth paragraph

However, the path to proceed was concealed and not easily found. The path, with numerous gravel scattered and a muddy footing, was barely passable.

However, there was no passable path anywhere, and it was a situation where one had to either force their way through.

2024/2/9 Line 26 of the fourth paragraph

This made Sariel hesitate just a little.

This made Sariel feel troublesome.

2024/2/10 Lines 26-28 of the fourth paragraph

And then, it transformed into an easy-to-walk path, and in the center of the open small space, she noticed something lying down.

And as it transformed into an easy-to-walk path, she noticed something lying in the middle of the road.

2024/2/12 Line 28 of the fourth paragraph

It was the carcass of a beast, gruesomely preyed upon by something.

It was a part of a limb, accompanied by fresh bloodstains.

2024/2/13 Lines 28-30 of the fourth paragraph

It was something she wanted to avert her eyes from, but she managed to cope with it well by covering her face.

Sariel felt nauseated to the point where she almost wanted to vomit, but Sariel managed to endure it somehow.

2024/2/13 Line 30 of the fourth paragraph

Sariel was overcome by fear, hesitating to move.

Sariel carefully observed her surroundings while being mindful not to make any noise.

2024/2/14 Lines 31-32 of the fourth paragraph

It was because there might be large creatures nearby, wandering in search of flesh and blood.

Though it seemed like there was nothing, it was not certain, and there might be a lurking threat ready to attack at any moment.

2024/2/14 Lines 32-33 of the fourth paragraph

However, she walked until she no longer sensed the unpleasant odor.

Nevertheless, Sariel maintained a low posture and left the area.

2024/2/14 Lines 33-34 of the fourth paragraph

She didn't remember how far she had traveled, and it was unclear even at what time she had slept.

Continuing her journey and settling on a sleeping spot, Sariel took rest there. However, to be honest, she wasn't quite sure exactly where that place was.

2024/2/15 Lines 37-38 of the fifth paragraph

Sariel woke up at the sound of a nearby beast's cry and quietly fled so as not to make any noise.

Sariel realized that she had woken up near a river and had been sleeping.

2024/2/15 Line 38 of the fifth paragraph

Continuing forward, somehow a town appeared from within the forest.

Continuing along that path, a place that clearly seemed to be crafted by human hands appeared.

2024/2/16 Line 39 of the fifth paragraph

Puzzled but intrigued, Sariel decided to enter the town.

Surprised by the unexpected turn of events, Sariel decided to enter determinedly.

2024/2/18 Lines 40-41 of the fifth paragraph

As Sariel engaged in conversations with the townspeople, she came to learn about the reality.

From the appearance of the town, Sariel came to learn the truth.

2024/2/18 Lines 40-42 of the fifth paragraph

There was nothing unusual in the forest, and, of course, the town had nothing extraordinary either.

The imaginary entity that Sariel had envisioned was never there from the beginning.

2024/2/19 Lines 41-42 of the fifth paragraph

Sariel expressed her disappointment and lost her enthusiasm.

Sariel was ashamed of her actions until now.

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