

  • 第6話 Rainへの応援コメント

    Meteor is having a hard time with her guilt, she's at the point of suicide, just not ready to carry it out, both Yomari and Shun have asked her what she's hiding, she hates lying to them. Yomari and Shun are worried about meteor, they are trying to find a way to help her, unless she talks to them they can't do anything. Thanks, it's interesting, and altered so that it's almost a new story, I'll wait for the next update.


    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. This is Akinori. thank you always. I agree. Unless the translation is wrong, that's true, but almost everything has been rewritten. Otherwise, the readers will not be satisfied, and neither will I. The update will be slow, but I hope to write a really interesting novel in the slow time. It's not what I want because if it's not fun it's a waste of time. Unfortunately, the writing skills are not good enough. Well, it's such an unfinished novel, but I hope it captures my feelings and soul. I hope that even a little bit of it will reach people who are reading it somewhere in the world. Going back, Ryusei is really cornered by Mari. Will Ryusei be able to manage his painful feelings? I would be happy if you could take a look at it. thank you as always. ٩( 'ω' )و


  • Shun and then Himari-san both asked what are you hiding of Meteor, she denied hiding anything, and Hemari even asked if she was cheating and again she denied that she was hiding, or doing anything, her body is sore from where she was beaten by Mari, she's letting him beat her because Mari was threatening Shun and Himari-san. Starry Sky Meteor is a fool, she believes Mari because he intimidates her, she is unable to think, if she did think she would realise that Mari's a coward, and that he would be afraid of his father if he hurt Himari again, as for Shun he can take care of himself, and if Mari is part of a gang, his friends won't help unless they get something in return, as they risk coming under the eyes of the police, there are many other ways to deal with Mari without becoming a human punching bag, but Ryuusei's young and naive. Thanks for the update, I'll wait for the next update.


    Sorry for the inconvenience. This is Akinori. thank you always. Now. I agree. I hope the translation is correct, but it seems like violence is controlling these girls. Mari really is a dork. She plans to dig deeper. Previous story. In other words, it is not necessarily the same as what I wrote before. I would be happy if I could write a novel that surpasses that, but it doesn't quite work out. I still feel immature. I myself haven't been able to write a perfect novel yet. I feel like the comments from those around me are just my impressions, but I often get told that I don't understand why. (Sorry, I'm just talking about myself) I would like to explore what a novel that surpasses everything is and depict the feelings of Mari, Yomari, Shun, and Ryusei.


  • 第4話 失われた希望への応援コメント

    The message reads like Mari is holding something over Meteor, and the way her feelings come across her affair could be something she didn't want, Thanks for the story.


    Sorry for being late. This is Akinori. We become indebted to. The weather is getting cooler, but it still feels like it's not good. thank you. As for the content.....that's right. Mari is still a scumbag, but please look forward to what will happen next. However, on a different matter, after changing the name to Ryusei, the translation becomes Meteor. Well, it's good because it conveys the meaning, but it's kind of complicated. Translation is still difficult. Well, leave that aside. Future developments are aimed at unexpected developments. I would like to go against the previous developments. Please look forward to it. ( ^ω^ )


  • 第3話 コーヒーへの応援コメント

    Ryu is feeling down, remembering her dead father and worrying about what happened with Mirai. Thanks for a different look at Ryu's and Shun's story, hope it plays out to your liking, looking forward to the next update.


    thank you. Thank you so much for everything. There is a reason why I divided it into three parts this time. This is to make the character more clear. thank you. Every time you say that, I get more motivated to draw. Having said that, I will do my best to not die. There's no point in dying. My life is still stressful, so I'll do it as much as I can without dying. Also, thank you for reviewing this novel. I am grateful. I'm thinking of updating the status notes again later. Now, back to the content of the novel. I agree. It becomes clearer. I think it will be easier to draw because it will be divided into three parts from here on. I'll update it slowly and quickly. I will do my best to write something that I am satisfied with. I will also reply to you with my impressions of other novels as soon as possible. There may be multiple replies. Sorry for that. If the timing isn't right, I won't have the energy to write a reply. Thank you. ( ;∀;)


  • 第2話 陽毬の縁側への応援コメント

    Himari knows Shun's side, next is Ryu's side


    thank you. Thank you so much for everything. I would be happy to hear your thoughts and support. Thank you. Also, although this is in a completely different place, thank you for your long comment on the recent status note regarding songs. I may be late in replying, but I will definitely reply. And back to now. This novel is divided into three parts. In other words, Shun, Yomari, Ryu...I will draw Ryu in three parts, whose name has been changed to Ryuusei. Please enjoy a novel that is full of emotions. The order is different. So they are not always in the same order. Please take no offense. Please understand that updates may be extremely slow. This is because I am thinking about the content of the novel. ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+


  • 第1話 天秤が傾く時への応援コメント

    very good start, Shun is upset, yet he doesn't want to hurt Himari by talking about her brother and Ryu even though she guest part of the problem. Thanks for the redo, it's starting out exciting.


    thank you. Thank you very much for your support. It was with wonderful readers like you that made me want to start over. Thank you to all the readers who support us. Unfortunately, I regret doing this all over again. However, there are times when you cannot move forward with regret alone. But no matter how much I want to draw, I want to draw what I want to draw. So I decided to start over. From America, Korea, China, and other countries. The world situation is at the worst level, but there are definitely things we can connect with. I believe in this and will continue to write. I believe in novels that unite the world. It's hot so be careful. Also for Corona.
