I said earlier that MIO wasn't as naive as she acted, when she went back to talk to Saito, she had her phone on record, she didn't even have to ask many questions, he started to brag about what he had done with Momiji to Iori, he even bragged about cheating on Momiji. Saito hanged himself without any help from anyone else. I can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks for the story, the romantic love comedy is enjoyable and interesting, I'll see you at the next update.
Saito tried to threaten Iori, but he was surprised when Iori dared him to try, Saito left in frustration. Iori is starting to understand Mio, maybe he's starting to heal, he believes Mio when she said Iori is her important person, Iori thinks that Mio is an important person to him. Thanks for the story, it's interesting, and entertaining, and easy to read, I will be waiting calmly for the next update.
Iori found out the hard way that his supposed girlfriend {Momiji,} and Takuya his supposed best friend were playing him like a hot fiddle, when he confronted them he got a confirmation that they had just been using him for his money, that knowledge, didn't free him it just tied him even more tightly, Momiji and Tatayuka, kept bothering him whenever they could get the time during class, he was frustrated but he couldn't do anything about; it because they always look like they are getting along charting voraciously like friends. If Iori hadn't listen to Takuya, and talked about how they had used him with a fake girlfriend, who already had a boyfriend, he hadn't even been allowed to hold her hand, he could have been rid of them, maybe he was to shy to admit that he had been so naive, Takuya made a mistake telling Mio his version of what had happened between Momiji and Iori, he was trying to move in on her so he could use her to extort more money out of Iori, but his scheme backfired on Takauya, he just doesn't know it yet. I wonder if he talked to Momiji about what he was going to do? Thanks for the update, the story is interesting, and enjoyable, I'll see you at the next update.
Iori was naive ,he was played like a big ol' catfish on a line, when he ran out of money, she ran out of time for him, she was reselling it or using the products he bought on dates or parties when he wasn't around, she wanted high end merchandise to show her friends, and make friends by giving away what she was tired of or had gotten something better. When she walked away, he was hurt and than he began to understand, ever sense than he has had nothing to do with women, and he wants to keep it that way.I'm looking forward to the continuation of the story, thanks for an interesting story.
Mio went for Iori's jugular vein, asking him about Momiji, at first Iori tried to admit to it to get her out of the house, but she didn't believe him, she knew his nature, and he was not that type of person, Iori gave up and said he would tell her. I can't wait for the next episode!Thanks I'll see you at the next update.
Saito is using Iori's past to hurt Mio, by twisting it to look like Iori was the bad guy, and not Momiji, he's trying to turn Mio against Iori so that he can use her himself. Saito already asked Iori about introducing him to Mio and Iori turned him down, Iori told "Saito that he would be no good for Mio!" Saito didn't like that, so he's looking at hurting Iori as well as taking Mio, Saito knows that Momiji was using Iori by pretending to be his girlfriend, and just taking his money,when Iori realised what she was doing he broke off the relationship, and he was hurt so bad that he was turned off of women, and that's why Mio can't get close to him now, if he had shared this with Mio she might understand him better, and Saito wouldn't have a leg to stand on with her. Thanks for the update, I'll see on the next one.
Iori decided to stop using Mio as a maid, and have her move to her own place, because he misunderstood that she had someone she liked, and didn't know that he was the person in question, all he did was to upset and disappoint Mio as well as hurt her, Mio ran off to her room to hide her tears. Thanks for the update.
The way he's trying to avoid those two, did they cause him trouble, dating only for money, "I'm not an ex-boyfriend, I'm just a money man" after he said that they finally left him alone, he wasn't very happy with them talking to him. Thanks for the story, it's interesting, and I'm curious about the next update, I'll be calmly waiting.
Iori wakes up Mio who isn't wearing clothes when he pulls the blanket of her to wake her up, he hurriedly threw it back on her, but she sat up and the blanket fell off of her, so he turned his back on her, Mio is supposed to be a maid, but she can't do any of the duties of a maid is supposed to do except shopping, this seems to be a regular morning event, is Mio an exhibitionnest, or is it just for getting Iori's attention.
何で7割なの 15割くらいじゃ無いと