The power of Mind

 So today I would like to talk about the thought, or mind in our daily routine and how it effects the world in all aspects. And I would like to talk about its affection in POLITICS.

 Firstly, I am an ordinary grade III student in China who major in History, ideology and politics and natural history. Albeit there is only one word difference between ideology and politics in Chinese, there is significant difference between the two. You will not be surprised to find that the content of political science in ideological and political classes is quite limited. It mainly talks about the achievement of construction in system building, economic constructions, cultural development and preserve and so on. Therefore, I can almost believe that there is almost no education on the principles of political science in current high school ideological and political education.

 From this, we can see the important role of ideas in a society and country. Even though Marxist philosophy and its development point out that the origin of the world is material, it still cannot deny the enormous role of consciousness, and Rousseau's theory, which excessively praises reason, has to some extent underestimated the complexity of human consciousness and thinking, making its ideas difficult to successfully practice. This force is quite enormous. We can call it social force, or social ability. This ability can manifest in relatively mild or quite intense forms, such as marches or uprisings. Because it is powerful enough to destroy itself, it contains both infinite potential and infinite crisis. The prosperity and destruction of a country are largely in line with the expectations of society in terms of governance. Even a tyrant, if they can make their personal violence a legitimate behaviour recognized by society, then the country will still be stable. As for whether it is prosperous, it depends on the king's ability beyond manipulating people's hearts.

 In Tanaka's "Herdensagen Vom Kosmos Insel," Yang Weili once said that humans often launch wars on the grounds that ideas are higher than life, and stopping wars is a high praise for the value of life. And both of these are 'ideas'. At the beginning of World War I, almost everyone was immersed in a frenzy, with a romantic imagination of the battlefield, hoping to defeat the evil British, Germans, French, and countless enemies before Christmas, and gather with their families in high spirits on Christmas. And after the war, antiwar voices took over everything. This is just a microcosm of countless wars in human history. This society not only praises war, but also strives to escape it after being injured. This is the power of ideas, the power to create and destroy everything.

 So, the question comes to how to use this power. What do you think?

Jeneses version




田中の『Herdensagen Vom Kosmos Insel』の中で、楊偉立氏は、人間は常に思想が生命より高いことを理由に戦争を始め、戦争をやめることは生命の価値を高く評価することだと述べている。どちらも「考え方」です。第一次世界大戦が始まった時、ほとんどの人は熱狂に浸っていた。戦場にはロマンチックな想像があり、クリスマス前に邪悪なイギリス人、ドイツ人、フランス人、無数の敵を打ち負かし、クリスマスに家族と一堂に会したいと思っていた。戦後、反戦の声がすべてを占めた。これは人類史上の数え切れない戦争の縮図にすぎない。この社会は戦争を賛美するだけでなく、怪我をした後も戦争から脱出しようと努力している。これが思想の力であり、すべてを創造し破壊する力である。


Chinese version




在田中的Herdensagen Vom Kosmos Insel中,杨伟立说,人总是以思想高于生命为由发动战争,停止战争就是高度评价生命的价值。两者都是“想法”。第一次世界大战开始时,大部分人都沉浸在狂热之中。战场上有一种浪漫的想象,在圣诞节前打败了邪恶的英国人、德国人、法国人和无数的敌人,希望在圣诞节与家人欢聚一堂。战后,反战的声音占据了一切。这只是人类历史上数不清的战争的缩影。这个社会不仅赞美战争,而且在受伤后也努力摆脱战争。这就是思想的力量,是创造和破坏一切的力量。


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Wirte down what I want to say @cdm060322



