

  • When Shun was hit by a running kid in the library, he was pushed into Ryu and his lips landed on her cheek like a kiss, Ryu was excited and pleased when it happened, she's really likes Shun so much that she wants to make a family with him, not just siblings but Husband and Wife. Himari also likes Shun a lot, she didn't realise it though until after Shun was already involved with Ryu, but when Ryu was involved with Mari while trying to protect Himari, Shun and Ryu broke up because of the way Ryu was feeling about herself, so Himari took advantage to tell Shun how she felt about him, then both Himari and Ryu decided to compete for Shun. Thanks for an interesting romantic comedy, it's very enjoyable, I'll try to wait calmly for the next update, see you then.


    I am always grateful for your help. Thank you for your thoughts. I am happy that you wrote your impressions. I am truly grateful. Also, I think that my impressions are always long and my hands get tired. Thank you for that as well. I'm happy just to have you watching. Now let's move on to the content. Certainly. There is something called cheek kiss in foreign countries. I can't say it's the same thing, but I tried to make it look like it. The meaning may be different. Naru, Shun, and Yomari have a united bond. But only one person can win. It's frustrating, but that's the world. Thank you for calling it an interesting romantic comedy. If I could convey even just a little bit of my gratitude to you, there would be no greater happiness than that. Good luck to you. Thank you.
