
第44話 聖なる日の祈り⑪」への応援コメント

  • 360度の恋w

  • 可哀想なことになりそうで心が痛い

  • ざまぁこいwww

  • 編集済

    Hinata is trying to get Shima's attention but she doesn't want to push him, she was hoping that he was going to ask her out, when he became quiet but he didn't respond to her when she asked what he was going to say, Shima acts like his self esteem is low when he is around Hinata, part of it is he actually believes what Zaitsu was saying, he feels that he is not good enough to be with Hinata, he thinks that Hinata included in her circle of friends is because of her younger sister, he doesn't realise that he comes across to other people than he believes, if he thought about why Zaitsu is trying to pressure him to stay away from Hinata he would realise that Zaitsu is worried by his competition. thanks. The gifts they choose without knowing who it's for is a good example.

  • 屑アロマキャンドルvs主人公スタバの詰め合わせ、センス的にも金額的にも圧倒的主人公の勝ちですね!



  • 第二ラウンド、ファイッ!

  • ぐーぜんですね。

  • 今回は前回と違ってトイレの外で本当に待ってるパターン…!

  • 財津くんもトイレ近いんか