
第18話 わたしの気持ち」への応援コメント

  • 祖母の教えが、いい出逢いを導いたんだな。

  • 志摩くんは自己評価低そうだから女の子からいかないと先に進まないだろうね

  • いいぞ、、良き

  • Finally the back story of Hinata and Shima, Hinata was moved by Shima's acts of kindness, she didn't have the nerve to talk to him until he helped Nana, than she was able to talk to him, she says that she doesn't know what she is feeling, but it sounds like she has an ideal. Thanks for the story .

  • 頑張りどころですね

  • 頑張りどころや!