Microsoft Visual Studio is very easy to install and convenient.

"Microsoft Visual Studio is very easy to install and a useful integrated development environment. Why doesn't solarplexuss use it even now? (This episode is from quite a while ago, and solarplexuss now uses Visual Studio completely.) Actually, this is from when 'A Beginner's Guide to C Programming That Can Take You to Heaven' was created. In the early part of the episode, Max and others who encountered Visual Studio were struggling to master it. Solarplexuss and Max, who were both beginners, found Visual Studio to be very difficult to use, but for ordinary people, Visual Studio is actually terrifyingly easy to install and use. There are many sites that explain how to use it. In particular, the introduction of Visual Studio on this site is excellent. Please take a look.👇

If you look at this, you'll be able to use Visual Studio in no time. There are a few things to watch out for, but you can probably clear them easily.

I'll introduce a few things from this site:

To create a program using C language in Visual Studio, you need to select 'C++' as the programming language in the development settings. Why do you choose Visual C++, an integrated development environment for C++, to write programs in C? It's because Visual C++ can compile and run not only programs written in C++ but also programs written in C language.

Isn't it great? So, why didn't solarplexuss use Microsoft's Visual Studio initially? At the time, the version of Visual Studio was 2015, but the operating system that could use Visual Studio 2015 was Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later. Solarplexuss's computer had Windows 7, but it had not been upgraded to Windows 7 Service Pack 1, so they could not use Visual Studio 2015. Of course, if you had an internet connection, anyone could upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 7 Service Pack 1 for free.

So, why didn't solarplexuss upgrade the OS of their computer from Windows 7 to Windows 7 Service Pack 1?

I Aretha interviewed solarplexuss and asked the reason.

Aretha: 'Solarplexuss, why didn't you upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 7 Service Pack 1? Microsoft's Visual Studio 2015 was the best integrated development environment, wasn't it? Or, was it because you recommended it, but you didn't use it yourself? 😊'

Solarplexuss: "Oh... well, at the time, I had a desktop computer with an 8-core AMD FX8120 CPU, but it was out of order and couldn't be upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 7 service pack 1. But that's not important, it was overclocked, which means the computer was operating at a high speed."

Aretha: "I see."

Solarplexuss: "It would have been easy to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 7 service pack 1, but the computer was valuable to me despite being out of order. I was planning to buy a new one soon anyway since computers are quickly replaced with new generations of products."

Aretha: "I see, so you already have a new computer."

Solarplexuss: "Yes, I do. It's a notebook computer, but it has an Intel Core i7 6700 CPU."

(As of March 2021, they were using a computer with an AMD Ryzen7 4800H CPU and a Geforce GTX 1660Ti graphics card.)

Aretha: "How does its performance compare to the 8-core AMD FX8120 desktop computer?"

Solarplexuss: "Well, it's about the same in terms of speed, but the notebook computer has a GF-GTX1080 graphics card, which enables it to score higher on benchmark tests for online gaming than the desktop computer with the AMD FX8120 CPU. (A graphics card is a component that significantly enhances a computer's graphic rendering capabilities.)"

Aretha: "How does it compare in terms of operating speed to a desktop computer equipped with an 8-core AMD FX8120 CPU?"

solarplexuss: "Hmm, it's about the same, I think. But, unlike the desktop computer with the AMD FX8120 CPU, this laptop has a GF-GTX1080 graphics card, so we ran benchmark tests to check if online games can be played on this computer. It produced better scores than the desktop computer with the AMD FX8120 CPU. (A graphics card is a powerful auxiliary device for computer graphics rendering.) Notebooks are known for having quiet CPU cooling fans, but when playing online 3D games, the CPU cooling fan runs continuously and it does make quite a bit of noise. However, when using it for everyday tasks, it is almost silent, so it is not a problem. That's the biggest advantage of a notebook computer."

Aretha: "That's great to hear. Please continue your C language learning comfortably with your new computer."

solarplexuss: "Yes, I'd like to do that. Oh, by the way, I'm already using Visual Studio, it's amazing. Everyone, make sure to install Visual Studio 💖."

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