第27話 Cold stone creamery(アイスクリームショップ)

I told my family, " I have to go to Clod stone creamery!"


That is an ice cream place. There are some branches in Japan.


My daughter looked at me wired face. " Why? You wanna die with a heart attack?"


I answered " No. But I want to brag an American rich ice cream to my web novel friends. It supposed to be different from Japanese one."


She said, " No one will be jealous." "I know."


Then my son said, "Just tell us you want to eat it. Be honest."




There are so many kinds of crazy colored ice creams in the shop.


My daughter recommended me to eat the neon blue cotton candy flavor or neon green pistachio flavor.


Heck, no!!!


I know. Those colors are looking good on SNS but I'm not brave enough to die.


I told my daughter to order it, but she got mad. "You are kidding me!"


I was so chicken and ordered cheesecake with mixed berries.


They put the cheesecake flavored ice cream, the blueberries and strawberries on the cold stone and mix them in front of us.


It is huge. My ice cream looks so normal, but my husband ordered American's favorite!


Mint ice cream, chocolate brownies and chocolate chips!!


Oh my gosh!! It is super sweet and fatty. I felt my heart beaten so fast. My fingers are trembling with too much sugar.

(げっ! 激甘のこってり。心臓がばっこんばっこんと音を立て、甘さのせいで指が震えはじめました。)

"Mom! You should stop eating!" My son cried. " No! This is my mission to finish this!" (「ママ! 食べんのやめなよ!」息子が叫びました。「ダメよ! これを食べ終わるまではやめないわ!」)

"What are you fighting for?" My husband shook his head.

(「君は一体、何のために戦ってるの?」 ダンナは呆れて首を横に振りました。)

But I did it! Misson complete!

(しかし、やりました! やりとげたのです!)

There are so many girls are in the shop. I was a little disappointed.


Because I was kind of proud myself about being chubby but, I look normal in here.


I told it to my daughter and she said,

"Don't worry, mom. You still have a chubby girl mentality."



I think she is not happy being called a Haniwa doll in the other episode.


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