
第23話 Maple bacon donuts」への応援コメント

  • donutとdonutsの違いがいまいち……。
    ”yeast donut”は種類を表しているのだと思いますが、”yeast donuts”って言ったら間違いになりますか?


    Actually, it really doesn't matter.

    Recently, young people's English is collapsed. As long as they understand what it means, they don't care.

    Only when they care about is they are not sure the person talks about one or multiple. Then, they ask you back "You ate one or more?", like this.
    If you ate 'one' is kind of normal but if you eat 10, it is crazy.

    We can not recognize that much you say donut or donuts in the conversation.

    Donut is same thing. They wrote 'Doughnut' before, but 'donut' is more popular now.

  • The Donut Man Competed Against the Marshmallow Man?
    Donut Man is a straight ballやん!!!


    Ok, now you can make new movie " The Donut Man against the Marshmallow Man!"

    Do you know the movie "Shreck 2"? There is "The Muffin Man" in it.

  • 先生😭分からなぁい〜。英語少ししか分からない💦


    だいじょうぶ! 口に出して少しずつ読んでるとわかるようになるからね! 英語読めるようになったら、お仕事に役立つ? そうなら試した方がいいかも!!!

  • Maple and Bacon "Donuts"!?
    Terrible donuts...


    tons... tons... tons... weight... 1,000kg...
    "1,000kg of donuts"!?
    "One time"!?!?
    American is donuts jankie...

    でも、アメリカならありえそうで… ^^;


    When we exaggerate the things, we use of 'tons of 〇〇'.
    like, "tons of bugs", "tons of dirt" "tons of cookies"

    I mention about the way of exaggeration in episode 14.
    It says "hundreds of dollars" " thousands of dollars". Donuts are not money so we can use tons.

  • This novel is good for my english traning😆
    I'll continue reading(´・ω・`)


    Yes, Muga-chan!

    Keep on reading, keep on talking, keep on trying!