
Chapter 3 -The key hint-

 I feel sad when I see Teru almost crying. I talked with Teru and chose to go to his childhood friend’s house. His childhood name is Soushi and he is in the same grade as me. He is a genius high school scientist so Teru thinks he can help us. Teru told me that he is living in a nearby school, so I got ready and went to Soushi’s house.

 When we were walking, Teru and I talked about Rima.

“What kind of special abilities does your sister have?”

“Yeh. I didn’t talk about the details about Rima. She has the power to manipulate machines. I talked last time but I don’t have many memories of Rima so I know just about special abilities. I hadn't met Rima but she is still my sister so I want to save her.”

“My sister is a scientist so maybe she knows about Rima.”

“All right. Oh. Here is the Soushi’s house.”

Ding♪ Dong♪

『Who is it?』

“Hi! I am Teru Okazaki.”

“And I am Teru’s friend. Sozaka Karuto.”

『Nice to meet you Karuto. Please come in』

Soushi opened the door key and welcomed me and Teru. The Soushi brought us to his room and gave us orange juice.

“Why did you come today Teru?”

“My sister Rima broke out from DARKBIRD ORPHANAGE. I want to get some help from you.”

“Oh, by the way, your sister has a special ability. So to find and save your sister safely, we need the information of where your sister is.”

“Then I already know. She's got a GPS on her. I heard that she is in nearby Midorikawa plaza. It is nearby here.”

“All right. Then next let’s think about…”

Ding♪ Dong♪

“Next is who?!”

Soushi said. On the other side of the intercom, stood a girl with long black hair. Her face was obscured by his bangs, but Soushi headed for the door anyway.

“Hi. Who are you?”


The girl doesn't say anything.

 The Soushi didn't come back so Karuto and Teru went to the entrance. But when the girl saw a Teru, she run away from a Soushi’s house.

“Why did she run away when Teru came?”

Soushi ask.

“I don’t know. It is an outside note but I think the girl’s face was very similar to Teru...or is it my imagination?”

“Yeah. I think so too. Teru, can you look at GPS? I may be your sister!”



“She was in our house! We need to chase her!.... Oh no! The GPS is out from MY HOUSE!!!”

“That is a big problem. But today is almost off so you better go home and come again tomorrow.”



“Umm…I'm sorry to bother you this late at night, but like I said before, do you want to come to my sister's place? You don’t need to come today but if you can…”

“I will go. Sorry to rush, but can I stay at your house today? I'm a little scared. I don't think I'll be able to sleep if I'm responsible for my sister's outburst. Oh, and I've already called my mom if that's okay.”

“Then you can stay at my house today.”

“Thank you.”

And we walked to my house.

 When we came to the house, I led him to the basement of the house where my sister and I had our rooms. Teru had met my sister sometimes so he was not nervous. But I didn't invite my friend to my house. So I was nervous.

“Hi. Long time no see Teru.”

“Long time no see too. Thank you for talking with me at night.”

“Don’t care about that. I also need help to solve this problem happening now. Please come to my room.”

 Teru went to my sister's room to talk with my sister. I went to the kitchen to cook dinner. I am good at cooking so I am always making dinner. My sister has no life skills so I do most of the chores at home. I choose to make curry and rice for today because I don’t have much time and it is also Teru’s favorite food. I finished cooking soon and went to my sister's room.

 When I went to my sister's room, Teru was sleeping on the floor. He panicked today so I thought he was tired. I called Teru to wake up for dinner. He wakes up but still looks sleepy. But when I showed him curry and rice his eyes shined and start to eat.

 I was a little worried about Teru so I couldn't sleep at all. Inside my mind was full of Teru. I couldn't sleep that night and I was thinking about how to stop Rima from going somewhere. I thought that my normal life is trying to change. But I couldn't make up my mind about that.

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